When I show attitude, I show human attitude. In balance. With fighting in a civilized way. I want only to give the positive in terms of my actions. I dont want to harm any of my citizens. People are important, because people are defending our state, this means, that they are our most important treasure and protection, this is our iron dome. This is our security union! This is our people. [*smiles*]
Regarding what I read right now, I dont read fiction now, to be honest. I love it. But I understand, that I cant. I read the first page. But then by the second, I’m already thinking about whats happening here. So I read the second page again, because I didnt take in what I had read there. Then I move on to the third, and forget it again. Because the brain is clogged up with other decisions. Its difficult to relax.
Next question:
Dear Mr, president, these are historically hard times. But the Ukraine also is unified as never before. Do you see this as a change only in Ukraine, or maybe also in europe. And what is at the center of this change?
The world will change, it has already changed, politicians are already afraid of their people, they are afraid of social responsibility. They see, that people are reacting differently. And in many countries, people support us 100%, but their leaders, do not support us 100%, for one reason or another. I’m not saying here who is right [?!?!], but it means, that social and public opinion will be stronger than any leader in the world. That is to say, we are all seeing changes and processes. Changes that not only lead to theoretical, but to popular democracy, popular democracy is not a revolution - democracy is first and foremost, power of the people. If you want to be the leader of your society, you have to be the leader of society, not to command, but to be a leader and live with them in the same spirit. Therefore [?!] it seems to me, that this popular democracy is taking place in the world, and that this will lead to certain security alliances [?!], I am confident, that there will be new security alliances in the future. This does not mean, that its necessary to leave any union. It does not mean, that it is necessary to destroy things that work. No it does not mean that. People just want peace, tranquility, stability and most importantly - confidence. Here, in all these challenges, confidence. Be it the new Covid, or god forbid, war. A person who lives, pays taxes, resides here, was born or came here, is a citizen of the world for peace. And this person must know, that they must be protected in this country. And if this person leaves for another country, this person will be protected there. The person will not suffer. The world is just facing such a challenge. It will either accept this model, and come to such alliances, or there will be a change of many world leaders, and their societies will find proper people for themselves.
First of all, really, a homestory, now?
Second of all,
Next question:
Mr President, I have a question regarding these alliances. Have you thought about not joining Nato - considering the war and all external threats that are incoming?
In the constitution, we have our intentions with Nato. There is ambiguity from Nato in relation to our acceptance to the alliance. There is clarity from some countries, which see us belonging there, and only with them. At a minimum at lieast one third of all countries dont see us there. Some of them will not say publicly, that they’ll accept us there. Most of them are afraid to talk about it publicly. This, is why we need to revert to the previous question. They think, that society will pressure them. Therefore I think we need to divide this up into several approaches for this mighty challenge. In general we need to find a format in which we have an understanding on whether russia wants to stop the war. Otherwise, we may not get to all the rest. In principle, it concerns whether russia wants it, or russia even able to do it. If we understand, that russia is able to do it, or will face problems due to sanctions - internal pressure, conflicts within its borders, empty shelves at shops, or change of political elite, which are caused by the war against us, and we understand, that all these things we have launched with out western partners together -- then we will have taken the first step towards, the union needed in the world. By being united, we can stop any aggressor. In this moment, this is why I believe in my meeting with the president of the russian federation. In any format! I’ll repeat it again, and I’ve repeated it and proposed it for several years. I know only one thing. Our future will not forgive us for the loss of our population. Our state will not forgive us for the loss of our people. Our future generations will not forgive us for the loss of our territories. They will ask us - what where we fighting for? I want to know exactly where we are. Who are our friends? And who doubts us? I’m not saying we have enemies in the west. No, there are people who are ready for anything on our behalf, but there are those who are not ready. That is all. Therefore, it is important, when we talk about certain compromises. I said, when I became the president, that we cannot give up any part of our land, because we must do everything for Donbas and Crimea to return. This is not a platitude, all our people believe and think so. The question now is, when can we stop this war? There is no need for russia to shout harsh rhetoric, we have an ultimatum, it will not lead to anything. We have an ultimatum, here are the points, you will fulfill them, and then we will end the war.
[Question from the reporter, not translated.]
This is incorrect, it will lead nowhere. The question doesnt concern only me. This question concerns the fact, that the people in government are united, we are not all going to be able to do that. You cant do that with ultimatums [give in, I suppose]. Ultimatums will not be fulfilled by Ukraine, we just can not comply with it physically. We’ve lost people, our people. How can we do it? All of us will be destroyed. Then their ultimatum will be automatically fulfilled. For example. Give us Charkiw, for example, give us Mariupol, give us Kyiv. Neither Charkiw, or Mariupol or Kyiv residents, nor the president will be able to do this. And we even see it in the occupied cities, in Melitopol in Berdyansk. When they enter, people will notify each other. They raise the flag and people take it down. They killed a man, so people hid and came at night and removed the flag, well - what do you want? To destroy everyone? That is why I said, we will fulfill and ultimatum only when we do not exist. You can automatically capture the city, but you will live there, by yourself. You will work there by yourself. People will either leave the city, or those who cannot leave, will fight to the end. Therefore an ultimatum is a bad thing. Because it will lead to genocide, and the destruction of the ukrainian people. We are so energized right now! Therefore it comes down to the dialog. We are for peace! I repeat it again. Even no matter how difficult it is, it is better than war, and even though we hate these troops, that are out there. The right word is negotiation. Negotiate however you can. But negotiate. Do not execute ultimatums. This is an important point. A compromise can be found in dialog. For me any compromise is irrelevant, because, as you know this hatred will be for every word. For every word. For every demand. For every course. For every guarantor of security. For everyone. You understand, right? Time must pass. Therefore, if they want to end the war, they must agree one seize fire, withdraw troops, then presidents meet, agree, that troops are withdrawn, and that there are certain security guarantors. Here you can find compromise. There are certain guarantors of our security. They must say tomorrow, that they are accepting Ukraine into Nato, and not being unclear anymore. Or say, we are not accepting it now. That is true. And they themselves understand, that they dont want to go with russia. So they do not accept us. The answer is very simple. We already understand everything. “We’re not accepting it” - because they are afraid of russia, thats all. And we need to calm down and say that. [Reaction was caused by the journalist initially asking the question nodding affirmatively, when Zelenskyy went into the “So they do not accept us” part.] Say - we need other security guarantees. There are Nato member states that want to be the guarantors of our security, which unfortunately cant provide us full membership in the alliance. But are ready to do everything that the alliance would have to do, if we were members of the alliance. And I think, thats a normal compromise. Its a compromise for everyone. For the west which does not know what to do with us in the Nato issue, for Ukraine which wants security guarantees, and for russia, which does not want to let nato expand further, and says it has had such agreements with Nato countries, with the west. And so, a compromise must be found in this. Because, this will be the end of the war. For Russia, this is not the end. There is this public letter. I dont know by whom, I dont remember, by the minister of foreign affairs, or by the president of russia. Stop talking to us with phrases like denazification etc. - we immediately said, that this sounds like an ultimatum - and we do not tolerate this. Because as soon as we are accused of nazism, by people, who follow in the footsteps of nazism, then we will not be able to tolerate it. Therefore public rhetoric can be anything, its the business of every state in this world - but this will not be binding rhetoric.
Next question:
Mr. President - a clarification, where are Crimea and Donbas in this?
They will come later, thats why I’m talking about approaches. I’ll finish now. I think, this is a very difficult narrative for everyone. Both crimea and donbas. It will be hard to digest for everyone. And to find a way out we need to take this first step. Which is, as I’ve said, security guarantees. The end of the war. At the same time, we should also agree, that we are resolving the issue of temporary occupied territories. We have to resolve it. But after the end of the war! Why? Because everything is very hot, as I’ve said. Very hot. And so [?!] this blockade will end. And after this blockade, please, lets talk. At the first meeting, with the president of russia - I am ready to raise these issues. They are relevant. For us the occupied territories are important. But I’m sure that this decision will not arise in this meeting, because there is, if we are frank, we’ll have to talk about constitutional changes. Changes in Ukrainian legislation, when it comes to security guarantees. And if we talk about it, it will - in any case be decided, not only by the president, but as it is quite a long process, by both the parliament, and the people of Ukraine […]
So I summerize, because of popular democracy, leaders in the free world that are against a Nato membership of Ukraine will be toppled. Or not, if we are frank. In that case - The first step is for security guarantees to be enacted. No, no, actually the first step is for the russian army to leave the country entirely (including Donbas and Crimea), then for security guarantees to be enacted (Quasi Nato, without Nato, agreements on a bilateral basis). Then Zelenskyy will talk to Putin, this will solve the Donbas and Crimea situation. But only in a one on one. Then there needs to be a bunch of time that needs to pass, because Zelenskyy needs to think about how to deal with the “brainwashed people”. And then there will be decisions about constitutional changes, that allow for the security guarantees to become permanent (Nato being written out of the Ukraine constitution), and then there will be a referendum.
In NO CASE, can there be negotiation papers with demands, that are circulating before hand, or meetings of delegations that decide on a different outcome - because by virtue of them being named that way, those are ultimatums. And Zelenskyy cant be made to deal with those, because people. In the Ukraine, and also everyone around him.
Zugegeben, es klingt nach Science-Fiction: Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat angekündigt, über eine eventuelle künftige Vereinbarung mit Russland per Volksabstimmung entscheiden zu lassen. In einem Land mit zerbombten Städten, zerstörter Infrastruktur und millionenfach ins Ausland geflohenen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ist das derzeit nur schwer vorstellbar – nicht nur aus organisatorischen Erwägungen, sondern vor allem aus politischen.
src: click
Sonst aber alles super duper normal.
In der Ukraine herrscht weiterhin Kriegsrecht. Gleichzeitig sind Teile des Landes von russischen Truppen besetzt, was ein Referendum natürlich ausschließen würde. Man erinnere sich an das Jahr 2014, als auf der ukrainischen Schwarzmeerhalbinsel Krim über die Eingliederung in die Russische Föderation abgestimmt wurde.
Der Urnengang wurde von der Ukraine selbst und den meisten anderen Staaten nicht anerkannt – unter anderem deshalb, weil die Krim damals bereits unter massivem russischem Druck stand.
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat angekündigt, über eine eventuelle künftige Vereinbarung mit Russland per Volksabstimmung entscheiden zu lassen.
Ein auch nur annähernd ähnliches Szenario kann nicht in ukrainischem Interesse sein. Und dass Moskau in absehbarer Zeit seine Truppen abzieht, um freie und faire Wahlen in der Ukraine zu ermöglichen, ist ein Gedanke, den wohl nicht einmal die größten Optimisten im Repertoire haben. Abgesehen davon, dass eine Verhandlungslösung, über die dann abgestimmt werden könnte, in weiter Ferne liegt und wohl solch komplizierte Punkte wie den Status der Krim und des Donbass oder das Verhältnis der Ukraine zur Nato beinhalten müsste.
Weltfremd ist Selenskyjs Erklärung dennoch nicht. Sie mag vielleicht keine unmittelbare Zukunftsperspektive abgeben, dafür aber sagt sie umso mehr aus über die Gegenwart. Selenskyj sendet mit ihr ein Signal an die Welt und an sein russisches Gegenüber Wladimir Putin: In Kiew regiert kein Alleinherrscher.
Achso, und ich dachte schon… Aber es ist einfach alles super duper normal.
Zelensky calls for “more pressure on Russia to restore peace” in address to Japanese lawmakers
src: click