Pictures show large fire at Berdyansk in eastern Ukraine as US says Russian troops are being pushed back around Kyiv

24. März 2022

Mean­while, a lar­ge Rus­si­an ship was des­troy­ed in the Russian-occupied port of Ber­dyansk in sou­the­as­tern Ukrai­ne, accord­ing to the Ukrai­ni­an Navy on Thurs­day. CNN could not con­firm the Navy’s claim, alt­hough social media vide­os appe­ar to show a lar­ge fire with secon­da­ry explo­si­ons in the port. And Ukrai­ni­an for­ces have pushed Rus­si­an for­ces back on the front­li­nes around Kyiv, a seni­or US defen­se offi­cial told repor­ters Wednesday.

src: click

Das müs­sen die­se sel­te­nen Frie­dens­ver­hand­lungs­in­itia­tiv­bom­ben sein, von denen man aktu­ell so viel hört.


Ukrai­ni­an flag hois­ted in Russian-occupied city of Kherson
From CNN’s From Tim Lis­ter and Olga Voitovych

The mayor of the Russian-occupied city of Kher­son, Ihor Kolykhai­ev, in sou­thern Ukrai­ne, has pos­ted pho­to­graphs of a long Ukrai­ni­an flag dra­ped down the wall of the city hall.

Rus­si­an for­ces are nor­mal­ly sta­tio­ned at the city hall but don’t appe­ar to have intervened.

src: click

Na zum Glück möch­te Russ­land heu­te noch nicht ver­han­deln. Was da wie­der los wäre, wenn die heu­te ver­han­deln wollten…

Da kann der Bor­rell aber noch mal von Glück reden!

A “respon­si­ble” Euro­pe will igno­re Putin’s “humi­lia­ting deman­ds” on gas, says Ukraine
From Andrew Carey in Lviv

Ukraine’s For­eign Minis­ter has urged Euro­pe to igno­re Russia’s insis­tence that pay­ment for future deli­ve­ries of Rus­si­an gas will need to be made in rubles.

src: click

Die­se ver­damm­ten Rus­sen unter­mi­nie­ren doch ein­fach die “respon­si­bi­li­ty” Euro­pas, indem sie Rubel for­dern. Da trifft es sich gut, dass der Ukrai­ni­sche Außen­mi­nis­ter inter­ve­niert, der aktu­ell ja Frie­dens­ver­hand­lun­gen, oder zumin­dest Waf­fen­still­stands­ver­hand­lun­gen mit Russ­land will.

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