The European Commission “encourages” member states that have opened investigations into possible war crimes in Ukraine to join the joint investigation team coordinated by the judicial cooperation agency Eurojust, a spokesperson said on Wednesday. of the European executive.
Eight countries (France, Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Sweden, Spain) have opened national surveys.
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Der Typ der die Coordination der unterschiedlichen nationalen Untersuchungsteams unter dem Schirm des EU joint investigation teams fordert ist Didier Reynders.
Didier Reynders ist auch für die Freeze and Seize Task force zuständig, die innerhalb der EU Oligarchenvermögen einfriert. *autsch*
Didier Reynders hält auch konstruktive Meetings mit dem Zelenskyy cabinet, welche Hilfe man zur Sammlung und Speicherung von Beweismaterial anbieten könne. Die Meetings waren dem was ich den Twitter Mitteilungen entnehmen kann, so konstruktiv, das man sich vor allem auf weitere Meetings geeinigt hat.
Ein von Profil befragter Menschenrechtsexperte findet das möglicherweise leicht problematisch, da Putin im Falle von Untersuchungen die nicht von den UN geleitet wurden deren Unabhängigkeit in Frage stellen könnte.
Wenden wir uns der UN zu.
Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said that she was horrified by these images. In a statement, Ms Bachelet said that these and other reports from Ukraine “raise serious and disturbing questions about possible war crimes as well as grave breaches of international humanitarian law and serious violations of international human rights law.”
She said all measures should be taken to preserve evidence.
“It is vital that all efforts are made to ensure there are independent and effective investigations into what happened in Bucha to ensure truth, justice and accountability, as well as reparations and remedy for victims and their families.”
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Und wie läuft das so ab? Podcast to the rescue: click
OHCHR office: “Work needs to be done to establish if a specific incidence was a warcrime. But what is clear is that under international law, the deliberate killing of civilians is a war crime.”
Interviewer: “So, you have a human rights team in Ukraine in Kiyv, I understand, in the capital, what are their plans to get to Bucha, to see for themselves, and to start the real forensic process, thats involved in saying, whether there has been a war crime.”
OHCHR office: “Indeed we have a presence in Ukraine, that has in fact been there since 2014, based in the capital Kyiv, but also in other locations in the country. As of now, the majority of the team are based in the far west of the country in a place called Uschhorod. They have a team of som 37 human rights officers based there. Now, what collegues are aiming to do is to get to locations liek Bucha, to see for themselves, what may have happened, and also importantly and also important an crucially, to talk to victims and talk to witnesses, this is crucial human rights work, to get first hand information, to help establish what may have happened. Its painstaking work of course, and its work, that needs to be conducted very carefully, because the cardinal principle of human rights work is to do no harm, is to avoid retraumatizing people […]”
Also gute Nachrichten vom OHCHR sie werden Mitglieder ihres lange bestehenden Ukraine Office in das Gebiet schicken.
Was machen die Ukrainer derweilen eigentlich so?
Blinken after meeting with Nato foreign ministers:
Fourth, the United State continues to work methodically to collect, to preserve, to analyze evidence of atrocities and to make this information available to the appropriate bodies. We’re supporting a multinational team of experts that’s assisting a war crimes unit set up by Ukraine’s prosecutor general, with a view toward eventually pursuing criminal accountability.
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Ah, seht gut, die US bieten einem internationalen Team das vom ukrainischen Generalstaatsanwalt aufgebaut wird ihre vollste Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit an.
Das war die Quelle aus der die höchste bisher gemeldete Opferzahl in Butscha stammt.
That’s just one person Russian soldiers killed in Bucha. According to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, they’ve already found 410 bodies of dead civilians in that one town alone.
These efforts will also ensure that Russia cannot escape the verdict of history.
Ah, gut - der ICC wird dafür sorgen, dass Gerechtigkeit hergestellt wird!
We are dealing with invaders who have nothing human left. To justify their own killings, they take the murdered people simply as scenery, as propaganda props. And this is a separate war crime, for which each of the propagandists will be held accountable.
More and more countries around the world support the need for a full and transparent investigation of all war crimes of the Russian occupiers in Ukraine. Every murder case will be solved. Each of the torturers will be found. All those who committed rape or looting will be identified. Responsibility is inevitable.
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With that said, doubts regarding the ICC’s jurisdiction on this matter have been omnipresent, considering that neither Ukraine nor Russia is a state party to the Rome statute.
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Oh, das macht ja aber nichts, weil man kann ja auf Ansinnen Estlands und 38 weiterer Staaten trotzdem eine Untersuchung einleiten!
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(Die Entscheidung fiel am 28. Februar, also vor dem Bekanntwerden des Massakers in Butsca.)
Ah, das ist gut, da werden sich sicher auch andere Unrechtsregime vor dem ICC zu verantworten haben! Keine Straffreiheit für Kriegsverbrecher!
Oh -
Naja, jetzt bin ich aber ein wenig abgeschweift, zurück zu den Forensikern in Butscha:
Die Ukrainischen Ermittler haben begonnen die Massengräber zu exhumieren: click - unter der Zuständigkeit des ukrainischen Generalstaatsanwalts.
[Ruslan] Kravchenko [Ruslan Kravchenko from the prosecutor’s office] said the forensic investigators would work to build up a picture of what happened to those buried in the grave, adding the investigation into the deaths was “unprecedented” in scale.
Einige Körper wurden für forensische Untersuchungen am 4. April, von den Ukrainischen Behörden, von ihren Fundorten wegbewegt. src: click
Erster Augenzeuge:
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Zweiter Augenzeuge:
On March 4, Russian forces in Bucha, about 30 kilometers northwest of Kyiv, rounded up five men and summarily executed one of them. A witness told Human Rights Watch that soldiers forced the five men to kneel on the side of the road, pulled their T-shirts over their heads, and shot one of the men in the back of the head. “He fell [over],” the witness said, “and the women [present at the scene] screamed.”
src: click
Das war dann nur vier Tage später der Hook einer Blinken Rede: click
That’s just one person Russian soldiers killed in Bucha. According to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, they’ve already found 410 bodies of dead civilians in that one town alone. And it’s not just Bucha.
Bisher gibt es übrigens zwei Augenzeugen des Massakers.
Hier noch einige debunking Links zu Fake News rund um Butscha, sowie zu investigative Reportagen:
Business insider: click
bellingcat: click
The insider: click
Human rights watch (interviews): click
Und ein Maxar US Army contract über knapp 50 Millionen USD aus dem März 2031: click
The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command C5ISR Center, Intelligence & Information Warfare Directorate awarded Maxar the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract in support of Army operations and intelligence to include Combatant Commands and other government stakeholders. Support services will include gathering, analyzing and manipulating GEOINT and other intelligence sources as the basis for predictive analysis tools and algorithms, including Maxar’s Signature Analyst, a predictive analytics tool developed under a SBIR Phase I and Phase II program.
Predictive analytics, voll super.