Untersuchungen der Kriegsverbrechen in Butscha

09. April 2022

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on “encou­ra­ges” mem­ber sta­tes that have ope­ned inves­ti­ga­ti­ons into pos­si­ble war cri­mes in Ukrai­ne to join the joint inves­ti­ga­ti­on team coor­di­na­ted by the judi­cial coope­ra­ti­on agen­cy Euro­just, a spo­kes­per­son said on Wed­nes­day. of the Euro­pean executive.

Eight coun­tries (Fran­ce, Czech Repu­blic, Ger­ma­ny, Esto­nia, Lat­via, Slo­va­kia, Swe­den, Spain) have ope­ned natio­nal surveys.

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Der Typ der die Coor­di­na­ti­on der unter­schied­li­chen natio­na­len Unter­su­chungs­teams unter dem Schirm des EU joint inves­ti­ga­ti­on teams for­dert ist Didier Reyn­ders.

Didier Reyn­ders ist auch für die Free­ze and Sei­ze Task for­ce zustän­dig, die inner­halb der EU Olig­ar­chen­ver­mö­gen ein­friert. *autsch*

Didier Reyn­ders hält auch kon­struk­ti­ve Mee­tings mit dem Zelen­skyy cabi­net, wel­che Hil­fe man zur Samm­lung und Spei­che­rung von Beweis­ma­te­ri­al anbie­ten kön­ne. Die Mee­tings waren dem was ich den Twit­ter Mit­tei­lun­gen ent­neh­men kann, so kon­struk­tiv, das man sich vor allem auf wei­te­re Mee­tings geei­nigt hat.

Ein von Pro­fil befrag­ter Men­schen­rechts­ex­per­te fin­det das mög­li­cher­wei­se leicht pro­ble­ma­tisch, da Putin im Fal­le von Unter­su­chun­gen die nicht von den UN gelei­tet wur­den deren Unab­hän­gig­keit in Fra­ge stel­len könnte.

Wen­den wir uns der UN zu.

Michel­le Bache­let, the United Nati­ons High Com­mis­sio­ner for Human Rights said that she was hor­ri­fied by the­se images. In a state­ment, Ms Bache­let said that the­se and other reports from Ukrai­ne “rai­se serious and dis­tur­bing ques­ti­ons about pos­si­ble war cri­mes as well as gra­ve breaches of inter­na­tio­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an law and serious vio­la­ti­ons of inter­na­tio­nal human rights law.”

She said all mea­su­res should be taken to pre­ser­ve evidence.

It is vital that all efforts are made to ensu­re the­re are inde­pen­dent and effec­ti­ve inves­ti­ga­ti­ons into what hap­pen­ed in Bucha to ensu­re truth, jus­ti­ce and accoun­ta­bi­li­ty, as well as repa­ra­ti­ons and reme­dy for vic­tims and their families.”

src: click

Und wie läuft das so ab? Pod­cast to the res­cue: click

OHCHR office: “Work needs to be done to estab­lish if a spe­ci­fic inci­dence was a warcrime. But what is clear is that under inter­na­tio­nal law, the deli­be­ra­te kil­ling of civi­li­ans is a war crime.”

Inter­view­er: “So, you have a human rights team in Ukrai­ne in Kiyv, I under­stand, in the capi­tal, what are their plans to get to Bucha, to see for them­sel­ves, and to start the real foren­sic pro­cess, thats invol­ved in say­ing, whe­ther the­re has been a war crime.”

OHCHR office: “Inde­ed we have a pre­sence in Ukrai­ne, that has in fact been the­re sin­ce 2014, based in the capi­tal Kyiv, but also in other loca­ti­ons in the coun­try. As of now, the majo­ri­ty of the team are based in the far west of the coun­try in a place cal­led Usch­ho­rod. They have a team of som 37 human rights offi­cers based the­re. Now, what col­le­gues are aiming to do is to get to loca­ti­ons liek Bucha, to see for them­sel­ves, what may have hap­pen­ed, and also import­ant­ly and also important an cru­cial­ly, to talk to vic­tims and talk to wit­nes­ses, this is cru­cial human rights work, to get first hand infor­ma­ti­on, to help estab­lish what may have hap­pen­ed. Its pain­sta­king work of cour­se, and its work, that needs to be con­duc­ted very care­ful­ly, becau­se the car­di­nal princip­le of human rights work is to do no harm, is to avoid ret­rau­ma­ti­zing people […]”

Also gute Nach­rich­ten vom OHCHR sie wer­den Mit­glie­der ihres lan­ge bestehen­den Ukrai­ne Office in das Gebiet schicken.

Was machen die Ukrai­ner der­wei­len eigent­lich so?

Blin­ken after mee­ting with Nato for­eign ministers:

Fourth, the United Sta­te con­ti­nues to work metho­di­cal­ly to collect, to pre­ser­ve, to ana­ly­ze evi­dence of atro­ci­ties and to make this infor­ma­ti­on avail­ab­le to the appro­pria­te bodies. We’re sup­por­ting a mul­ti­na­tio­nal team of experts that’s assis­ting a war cri­mes unit set up by Ukraine’s pro­se­cu­tor gene­ral, with a view toward even­tual­ly pur­suing cri­mi­nal accountability.

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Ah, seht gut, die US bie­ten einem inter­na­tio­na­len Team das vom ukrai­ni­schen Gene­ral­staats­an­walt auf­ge­baut wird ihre volls­te Unter­stüt­zung und Zusam­men­ar­beit an.

Das war die Quel­le aus der die höchs­te bis­her gemel­de­te Opfer­zahl in Butscha stammt.
That’s just one per­son Rus­si­an sol­di­ers kil­led in Bucha. Accord­ing to Ukraine’s pro­se­cu­tor gene­ral, they’ve alrea­dy found 410 bodies of dead civi­li­ans in that one town alone.

The­se efforts will also ensu­re that Rus­sia can­not escape the ver­dict of history.

Ah, gut - der ICC wird dafür sor­gen, dass Gerech­tig­keit her­ge­stellt wird!


We are dealing with inva­ders who have not­hing human left. To jus­ti­fy their own kil­lings, they take the mur­de­red peop­le sim­ply as sce­ne­ry, as pro­pa­gan­da props. And this is a sepa­ra­te war crime, for which each of the pro­pa­gan­dists will be held accountable.

More and more coun­tries around the world sup­port the need for a full and trans­pa­rent inves­ti­ga­ti­on of all war cri­mes of the Rus­si­an occu­p­iers in Ukrai­ne. Every mur­der case will be sol­ved. Each of the tor­tu­rers will be found. All tho­se who com­mit­ted rape or loo­ting will be iden­ti­fied. Respon­si­bi­li­ty is inevitable.

src: click

With that said, doubts regar­ding the ICC’s juris­dic­tion on this mat­ter have been omni­pre­sent, con­si­de­ring that neit­her Ukrai­ne nor Rus­sia is a sta­te par­ty to the Rome statute.

src: click

Oh, das macht ja aber nichts, weil man kann ja auf Ansin­nen Est­lands und 38 wei­te­rer Staa­ten trotz­dem eine Unter­su­chung einleiten!
src: click
(Die Ent­schei­dung fiel am 28. Febru­ar, also vor dem Bekannt­wer­den des Mas­sa­kers in Butsca.)

Ah, das ist gut, da wer­den sich sicher auch ande­re Unrechts­re­gime vor dem ICC zu ver­ant­wor­ten haben! Kei­ne Straf­frei­heit für Kriegsverbrecher!

Oh -

Naja, jetzt bin ich aber ein wenig abge­schweift, zurück zu den Foren­si­kern in Butscha:

Die Ukrai­ni­schen Ermitt­ler haben begon­nen die Mas­sen­grä­ber zu exhu­mie­ren: click - unter der Zustän­dig­keit des ukrai­ni­schen Generalstaatsanwalts.

[Rus­lan] Krav­chen­ko [Rus­lan Krav­chen­ko from the prosecutor’s office] said the foren­sic inves­ti­ga­tors would work to build up a pic­tu­re of what hap­pen­ed to tho­se buried in the gra­ve, adding the inves­ti­ga­ti­on into the deaths was “unpre­ce­den­ted” in scale.

Eini­ge Kör­per wur­den für foren­si­sche Unter­su­chun­gen am 4. April, von den Ukrai­ni­schen Behör­den, von ihren Fund­or­ten weg­be­wegt. src: click

Ers­ter Augenzeuge:
sie­he click (nach edit2 suchen)

Zwei­ter Augenzeuge:

On March 4, Rus­si­an for­ces in Bucha, about 30 kilo­me­ters nor­thwest of Kyiv, roun­ded up five men and sum­ma­ri­ly exe­cu­t­ed one of them. A wit­ness told Human Rights Watch that sol­di­ers for­ced the five men to kne­el on the side of the road, pul­led their T-shirts over their heads, and shot one of the men in the back of the head. “He fell [over],” the wit­ness said, “and the women [pre­sent at the sce­ne] screamed.”

src: click

Das war dann nur vier Tage spä­ter der Hook einer Blin­ken Rede: click

That’s just one per­son Rus­si­an sol­di­ers kil­led in Bucha. Accord­ing to Ukraine’s pro­se­cu­tor gene­ral, they’ve alrea­dy found 410 bodies of dead civi­li­ans in that one town alo­ne. And it’s not just Bucha.

Bis­her gibt es übri­gens zwei Augen­zeu­gen des Massakers.

Hier noch eini­ge debun­king Links zu Fake News rund um Butscha, sowie zu inves­ti­ga­ti­ve Reportagen:
Busi­ness insi­der: click
bel­ling­cat: click
The insi­der: click
Human rights watch (inter­views): click

Und ein Maxar US Army con­tract über knapp 50 Mil­lio­nen USD aus dem März 2031: click

The U.S. Army Com­bat Capa­bi­li­ties Deve­lo­p­ment Com­mand C5ISR Cen­ter, Intel­li­gence & Infor­ma­ti­on War­fa­re Direc­to­ra­te awar­ded Maxar the Small Busi­ness Inno­va­ti­on Rese­arch (SBIR) Pha­se III con­tract in sup­port of Army ope­ra­ti­ons and intel­li­gence to inclu­de Com­ba­tant Com­man­ds and other government sta­ke­hol­ders. Sup­port ser­vices will inclu­de gathe­ring, ana­ly­zing and mani­pu­la­ting GEOINT and other intel­li­gence sources as the basis for pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­sis tools and algo­rith­ms, inclu­ding Maxar’s Signa­tu­re Ana­lyst, a pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics tool deve­lo­ped under a SBIR Pha­se I and Pha­se II program.

Pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics, voll super.

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