Ich durchleb grad ein Trauma zum zweiten Mal

10. September 2022

They just didnt give a damn.

Well, Rus­sia and Chi­na are gre­at power com­pe­ti­ti­on, and we are in the age of gre­at power com­pe­ti­ti­on, so - when wri­ting US mili­ta­ry stra­te­gy, we thought, the 50 year old One Chi­na poli­cy, real­ly is out­da­ted, becau­se the Tai­wa­ne­se arent chi­ne­se citi­zens, they real­ly have attai­ned their own natio­nal iden­ti­ty over the past years, and so - yes, I’ve heard that the US mili­ta­ry advi­sed, that it wouldnt be a good moment for to Pelo­si visit, but I dont think, that we should be told anything by Chi­na and…

… on she went.


Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut fuck­ing Letzte.

Becau­se its demo­cra­ci­es vs autocracies!”

Turns out - if you mea­su­re man­da­te chan­ges (its kind of sta­tis­ti­cal­ly ques­tion­ab­le, but not an unt­hin­ka­ble thing to do) in con­flicts with US par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, the US incre­a­sed the fre­quen­cy of con­flicts they were invol­ved in in the post cold war area - most of them against sta­tes with a hig­her demo­cra­cy rating than in pre­vious inter­ven­ti­ons. Not tar­ge­ting ones with lower demo­cra­cy ratings. All the while using “sprea­ding demo­cra­cy” as a pre­ten­se. Thats fun­ny, isnt it?
src: click

Ups I just stumb­led and drop­ped the US coun­ter rim stra­te­gy

Counter Rim

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