Was soll man machen, Putin glaubt schon wieder er sei ein Zar.
Einmal mehr zog Putin auch eine Parallele zwischen sich selbst und dem russischen Zaren Peter I.: „Das Asowsche Meer ist zu einem innerrussischen Meer geworden. Das sind ernsthafte Dinge. Peter der Große hat noch um einen Zugang zum Asowschen Meer gekämpft.“ Bereits im Sommer hatte Putin den Krieg gegen die Ukraine auf eine Ebene mit dem Großen Nordischen Krieg unter Peter Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts gestellt.
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Kontext - Propagandastunde pur im Kreml:
(Yevgeny Myslovsky, Honourary President of the Anti-Mafia Regional Public Foundation to Combat Organised Crime and Corruption, began his remarks with the statement that “people are expecting results.” He drew attention to the following aspect of the special military operation: the investigation of war crimes by the enemy and the political significance of this investigation. He noted than over 10,000 peaceful civilians had been killed in Donetsk alone. Mr Myslovsky suggested establishing a state commission to investigate these crimes. He also discussed the deployment of law enforcement officers in the newly incorporated territories. For example, he suggested involving experienced veterans.)
Vladimir Putin: Mr Myslovsky, did you mean the results of the special military operation when you said that everyone is expecting results?
Yevgeny Myslovsky: No, I did not mean the special military operation because this is a lengthy process. I meant specific results following the investigation of criminal cases. People say that we are investigating, but that only one verdict has been passed.
Vladimir Putin: I see.
Regarding the lengthy process and the results of the special military operation, this process could be drawn out. You also noted that newly incorporated territories have appeared. Indeed, this is a significant result for Russia, and this is a serious issue. To be honest, the Sea of Azov has become an inland sea in the Russian Federation, and these are serious things.
Yevgeny Myslovsky: This is all correct, but we need to develop this.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, but this is a different issue. In his time, Peter the Great fought to reach the Sea of Azov.
The people living on these territories are the most important thing. The results of the referendum show that people want to live in Russia, and that they consider themselves part of this world, this space, our common culture, traditions and language. This is the most important result, and these millions of people have re-joined us. This is the most important thing.
Regarding criminal investigations, you are right, of course, but to be frank, all of us understand the realities of current developments. It is important to investigate, to record these crimes, especially strikes against civilian and residential areas. You are probably right: perhaps it would be appropriate to set up some joint agency that would address this issue and a state commission.
Let us think about this. I will also ask the Prosecutor-General’s Office and the Investigative Committee to think about this issue. They should consider recruiting veteran law enforcement officers who would like to deal with this issue as mentors or as officials who can look into the available materials. I will instruct the Prosecutor-General’s Office to do this, and we will certainly think about this issue. I completely agree with you that it is necessary to record all this in a professional manner.
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Die Breitenmedien haben einfach wieder nicht erkannt, dass das Propaganda ist - obwohl es hier in der Wirkung der Aussage dazu herangezogen wird eine größere historische Bedeutung zu stilisieren, um der Bevölkerung zu verdeutlichen um was für epochale Ereignisse es gehe, und dass man in diesen Größenordnungen die Frage nach “schnelleren Resultaten” nicht stellen könne - dann haben die Breitenmedien den kompletten Lead in Teil der Aussage weggeschnitten, den kompletten lead out Teil der Aussage weggeschnitten (sie hätten ihn kontektualisieren müssen, wenn sie ihn berichtet hätten, da pure Propaganda) und berichtet Putin glaube mal wieder er sei ein Zar.
Erstens stimmts nicht - und zweitens, wer die Propaganda in der Textpassage in einer Fernsehansprache zum “Council for Civil Society and Human Rights meeting” in Russland nicht sieht, der hat einen an der Waffel - und schaut aktiv weg.
Hauptsache “Putin ist verrückt und hält sich für einen Zaren” bleibt hängen.
Ansonsten berichtet der Rauscher wieder mal das Gegenteil von dem was der Deutschlandfunk berichtet - aber sonst ist alles ok.
Propaganda hat immer noch niemand entdeckt.
Das hier war die Originalmeldung der AP - die hat noch neutral formuliert.
edit: Achja, und auch das kann man schon mal unter den Tisch fallen lassen… Nicht dass die Öffentlichkeit zu genau weiß, was hier gesagt wurde -- lasst uns lieber berichten wie die US darauf reagiert haben!
Excuse me, Valery Alexandrovich, excuse me, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I have a very small last piece that I did not warn about. But I cannot but mention the problem that, I think, worries a significant number of people in our country, is that the threat of a world nuclear war now seems real. The prevention of such a threat, it seems to me, is overvalued.
It seems to me that your personal statement, Vladimir Vladimirovich, that Russia would not under any circumstances be the first to use nuclear weapons could become a true gesture of goodwill. And, perhaps, a clarification in connection with this of the Fundamentals of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence.
Sorry if my last section is off-topic, but it is absolutely impossible to remain silent about what there are so many fears about.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: I understand.
About the threat of nuclear war. Svetlana Gennadievna, you are right, such a threat is growing, that it is a sin to hide here.
Regarding the fact that Russia under no circumstances will apply the first. But if he does not use the first one under any circumstances, then the second one will not be used either, because the possibilities of using it in the event of a nuclear strike on our territory are very limited.
Nevertheless, our strategy for the use of means of defense, namely, as a defense, we consider weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, it is all tuned around the so-called retaliatory strike, that is, when we are struck, we strike back.
There is also what everyone is now discussing, the so-called tactical nuclear weapons. It, American nuclear weapons, is located in large numbers on European territory. We have not, and are not, transferring our nuclear weapons to anyone, but, of course, we will protect our allies with all the means at our disposal, if necessary.
But what’s the point here? The fact is that, just as in the previous case, when they talked about Russophobia, no one notices and does not want to notice and see what is being done and said in neighboring countries, in Western countries. I have already said: we do not maintain our own nuclear weapons, including tactical ones, on the territory of other countries, we do not have them, but the Americans have them both in Turkey and in a number of other European states. They are training on the possibility of using the carriers of these countries for the use of American nuclear weapons. We haven’t done any of this yet. This is the second.
Third. Did we talk about the possibility of application? No. Here’s the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, don’t forget tonight, she said publicly that she was ready to do it. In response to this, I had to emphasize some things too. Immediately, no one noticed her statement, and what we say immediately sticks out, and with these statements the whole world begins to frighten.
Therefore, we have not gone mad, we are fully aware of what nuclear weapons are. We have these means, and they are in a more advanced and more modern form than any other nuclear country. This is obvious, today it is an obvious fact. But we’re not going to run around the world brandishing this weapon like a razor. But, of course, we proceed from the fact that it is. This is a natural deterrent, not provoking to the expansion of conflicts, but a deterrent. And I hope everyone understands this.
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US Reaktion, von der dann nur der erste Satz ziziert wird:
US slams ‘loose talk’ on nuclear weapons after Putin comments
The US has denounced “loose talk” on nuclear weapons after Putin mused on rising risks of nuclear war but said Moscow would not strike first.State Department Spokesman Ned Price said: “We think any loose talk of nuclear weapons is absolutely irresponsible.”
Price said nuclear powers around the world since the Cold War, including China, India, the United States and Russia itself, have been clear that “a nuclear war is something that must never be fought and can never be won”.
“We think any other rhetoric – whether it is nuclear sabre-rattling or even raising the spectre of the use of tactical nuclear weapons – is something that is irresponsible,” Price said.
“It is dangerous and it goes against the spirit of that statement that has been at the core of the nuclear non-proliferation regime since the Cold War,” he said.
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