10X multiple available in Ukraine according to Rustem Umerov, Minister of Defence of Ukraine

15. September 2024

If you invest one Dol­laaaar in gre­at Ukrai­ni­an defen­se industry!

Which is gre­at news for inves­tors all around the world, becau­se the most suc­cess­ful hedge fund in the world cur­r­ent­ly has a 33% ROI per year. So we are tal­king Angel inves­tor num­bers here!

I dont know what they pro­du­ce the­re, but I bet they add a scratch ticket to every deli­very! So inves­tors can retain a chan­ce to see their 10x mul­ti­ple! (Being used up by Ukrai­ne - becau­se of cour­se, they will use up what they pro­du­ce as well, you dont even need to find customers!)

Invest now!

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