Ah Völkerverständigung!

24. August 2024

Yes inde­ed, who is figh­t­ing in Kursk?

Rus­si­an NGO expert using the word recruits. DW Mode­ra­tor using the word conscripts.

DW Mode­ra­tor asking NGO expert “if that also inclu­des con­scripts”, the ans­wer: Yes of cour­se, after they’­ve signed the con­tract, they can be deploy­ed the­re. After having 4 mon­ths of mili­ta­ry trai­ning, and mili­ta­ry spe­cia­liz­a­ti­on. AS IN THEN THEY ARENT CONSCRIPTS ANYMORE, but you might still call them recruits - which the NGO expert then pre­ce­des cal­ling them.…

Hey, no one said rus­sia wasnt mani­pu­la­ting them into signing enlist­ment con­tracts after­wards (they obvious­ly are), but just that they arent sen­ding con­scripts into acti­ve war zones.

Well, now that DW has signi­fi­cant­ly blur­red the line again, to make ever­y­bo­dy belie­ve, that rus­sia is sen­ding con­scripts - and put more pro­pa­gan­da out than jour­na­lism --- ever­ything is hun­ky dory again. Right?

Still a fur­ther com­ment on the grey zone here -- if rus­si­an par­ents cant cor­re­spond with their child­ren during the time con­scripts are mani­pu­la­ted into signing con­tracts, this is a pro­blem. Asi­de from mani­pu­la­ti­on being a pro­blem in its­elf. (But then which army at war or not doesnt use coer­ci­on tactics…)

The NGO says that they at least know of four com­pa­nies (x250 recruits) of recruits being sent to Kursk, but tho­se num­bers dont rec­ti­fy the accu­sa­ti­on that rus­sia is sen­ding conscripts.

In Moscow (one of the named four ter­ri­to­ries sen­ding com­pa­nies, in the video) alo­ne 3900 con­scripts were draf­ted in the fall draft of 2023. If from tho­se 250 are sent to Kursk, thats 6.5%.

Thats not con­scripts - thats the idi­ots [and or poor peop­le] who want to fight, or sign up for war.

The con­scrip­ti­on quo­ta set for Moscow is low com­pa­red to other regi­ons, but recruit­ment offi­cials still have dif­fi­cul­ty mee­ting it. In the fall of 2001, only about 3 per­cent of all con­scripts were draf­ted from Moscow, whe­re­as young men of draft age in Russia’s lar­gest city make up almost 6 per­cent of the total num­ber of young men of draft age in Russia.29

src: click

A total of 130 thousand new con­scripts were orde­red in Rus­sia during the fall draft of 2023

src: click

(130000/100)*3 = 3900

Shit, fuck, ger­man spea­king media cant report that!

PS: Dont sign!

Watch the video to get the name of the NGO that will help you stay out of the war.

Oh, and 80% of the pri­so­ners that Ukrai­ne took in Kursk tur­ned out to have been con­scripts (see first video, even though till this day, the Wiki­pe­dia ent­ry about the Kursk offen­si­ve will not men­ti­on that, but all kinds of other pro­fes­sio­nal regi­ments that Ukrai­ne has atta­cked…). But tho­se were deploy­ed in rus­sia, in ter­ri­tor­ries that no one thought were being under the risk of being atta­cked, until Ukrai­ne did its supri­se offensive…

Sor­ry offen­si­ve, defen­si­ve ope­ra­ti­ons, as good ukrai­ni­an friends of Fran­ce 24 are cal­ling them…

edit: Hui NTV bestä­tigts, nur mehr als ein Monat danach!

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