Also, may I congratulate Syria on the best managed coup in modern history?

12. Dezember 2024

The for­mer Syri­an for­eign minis­ter is still in place. The Syri­an UN dele­ga­ti­on is still in place and was giving inter­views two days ago that they now would work for the new regime, becau­se they like working for the Syri­an peop­le. And that of cour­se the new regime would still work in tan­dem with the UN, most­ly on huma­ni­ta­ri­an efforts…

Sad­ly I lost the You­tube clip with the inter­view of the lead of the dele­ga­ti­on. Was uploa­ded by an account with an ita­li­ans per­sons name - so pro­bab­ly not easi­ly vet­ted by me - but boy, was that a very well mana­ged coup!

I just lea­ve you with the fol­lowing Fran­ce 24 panel instead:

edit: See also: 

NNA - Syria’s per­ma­nent repre­sen­ta­ti­ve to the UN on Mon­day said his mis­si­on has recei­ved inst­ruc­tions to con­ti­nue doing its job in New York as part of an effort “to main­tain sta­te institutions.”

Kous­say Ald­ah­hak also cal­led on the UN and the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil to put an end to Israe­li attacks on his country.

We’re with the Syri­an peop­le. We’ll keep defen­ding and working for the Syri­an peop­le. So we’ll con­ti­nue our work until fur­ther noti­ce,” he said.

The col­lap­se of the Assad regime fol­lo­wed a light­ning offen­si­ve that las­ted less than two weeks. On Sunday, insur­gents swept into the capi­tal Damas­cus to topp­le the regime and send Pre­si­dent Bas­har Assad fle­eing. Rus­si­an news agen­ci­es report that he has been gran­ted asyl­um in Moscow.

src: click (

The main per­son inter­view­ed in the aformen­tio­ned video, was Kous­say Aldahhak.

edit2: Found the video:

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