And you get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car…

20. Januar 2025

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 21 um 00 13 43
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(Dafür aber wie­der direkt danach.)

Immer schön dazu­sa­gen, sonst sagt die Main­stream­pres­se (CNN an vor­ders­ter Front) beim zwei­ten Mal wenn du dich umdrehst um auch die Leu­te hin­ter dir zu adres­sie­ren, du woll­test denen nen Bel­l­a­my Salut zeigen.

Und nein, das ist kei­ne dog­whist­le ich finds nur unglaub­wür­dig, dass wir so end­lich die WAHHAHAAFTIGE Natur von Elon Musk ent­de­cken durften…

Gut, er hat sich bis­her noch nicht dazu geäu­ßert. Ich frag mich grad ob das öffent­lich­keits­wirk­sam­keits­tech­nisch rich­tig oder falsch ist. Die Recht­fer­ti­gung wür­de zwei Wochen auf dau­er­loop lau­fen, wenn er sie jetzt in ne Kame­ra spricht.

Am bes­ten Woche war­ten, nen Slot bei Lex Fri­d­man buchen, und dann drü­ber reden.

Pro­blem, der ist kurz­fris­tig aus­ge­bucht. Und wenn Musk mit einer Reak­ti­on ein Monat war­tet… Ist das eigent­lich bereits wie­der zu lang.

edit: Future me:

Die NYT auch wie­der ehren­haft wie immer:

Elon Musk Igni­tes Online Spe­cu­la­ti­on Over the Mea­ning of a Hand Gesture

Spea­king at a cele­bra­to­ry ral­ly in Washing­ton, Mr. Musk twice exten­ded his arm out with his palm facing down, drawing com­pa­ri­sons to the Nazi salute.

src: click

Nein, nein, wir - also wir spe­ku­lie­ren ja sicher nicht. Und CNN, nein, also die haben das natür­lich kei­nes­falls impli­ziert als sie 15 Minu­ten über den komi­schen Salut gespro­chen haben… nein, nein - aber wis­sen sie was das INTERNET wie­der gemacht hat?!

Nein, das ist ja unglaub­lich Bob! Berich­ten wir doch das!

Also ver­lo­ge­ner gehts nimmer.

How to not get sued for libel as a newspaper?

edit: Gut, war­um mode­rie­ren, sag ich mir als Stan­dard Mode­ra­tor immer:

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Sip­pen­haf­tung, Ver­leum­dung der Fami­lie, Ver­leum­dung der Per­son, kein wei­te­rer Inhalt. Clea­red. Das geht durch!

Elon descri­bed his father Errol as a “ter­ri­ble human being”, adding: “Almost every evil thing you could pos­si­b­ly think of, he has done.”[33][34]

src: click

Wobei das Kom­men­tar nach 15 min Recher­che inhalt­lich nicht so falsch liegt.

Errol Gra­ham Musk[8] is a reti­red South Afri­can engi­neer, poli­ti­ci­an, and busi­ness­man born in South Africa.[3] His mother, Cora Ame­lia Musk (née Robin­son), was Bri­tish and his father Wal­ter Hen­ry James Musk was a South Afri­can army sergeant,[3][9] who ser­ved as a cryp­to­gra­pher in a mili­ta­ry intel­li­gence unit in Egypt during World War II.[10] Errol atten­ded Clapham High School, whe­re he dated Maye Haldeman,[11] and the pair mar­ried in 1970.[12]: 44  The fami­ly lived in Pre­to­ria, whe­re Maye worked as a die­ti­ti­an and a model.[11] Their first child, Elon Ree­ve Musk, was born in 1971, named after Maye’s grand­f­a­ther J. Elon Hal­de­man, with the name Ree­ve after her mater­nal grandmother’s mai­den name.[11][3]

On 9 March 1972, Musk was elec­ted as an inde­pen­dent to repre­sent Sun­ny­si­de on the Pre­to­ria City Council.[13][12]: 52 [14][15] In 1980,[16]: 71  he beca­me a mem­ber of the Pro­gres­si­ve Federal Par­ty, the new offi­cial oppo­si­ti­on for­med in 1977, and ran as their Sun­ny­si­de nomi­nee in the 1981 election.[12]: 52 [17]: 225, fn 119  In 1983, his resi­gna­ti­on from the PFP over its stance towards the con­sti­tu­tio­nal refe­ren­dum was front page news for the ruling Natio­nal Party’s organ Die Bur­ger, which por­tray­ed the oppo­si­ti­on as divided.[17]: 225, fn 119 [18] Musk rebel­led against the PFP’s call for rejec­ting the new con­sti­tu­ti­on and cited his agree­ment with the New Repu­blic Party’s posi­ti­on that the Tri­ca­me­ral Par­lia­ment was a step in the right direction.[16]: 71–72 

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The pri­ma­ry poli­cy of the NRP was to intro­du­ce a multi-chambered par­lia­ment, with a cham­ber each for whites, colou­reds, India­ns, and urban blacks. Howe­ver, in 1982 the Natio­na­list government announ­ced plans for a Tri­ca­me­ral Par­lia­ment, which was to repre­sent colou­reds, India­ns, and whites. Blacks were not repre­sen­ted, even though the government no lon­ger offi­cial­ly expec­ted them to migra­te to the ban­tu­stans. Nevertheless, the Tri­ca­me­ral Parliament’s mar­ked simi­la­ri­ty to the NRP’s poli­cy meant that it was incre­a­singly dif­fi­cult to strike a mode­ra­te cour­se bet­ween the NP and the libe­ral PFP. The Tri­ca­me­ral poli­cy, and an announ­ce­ment that it would talk to revo­lu­tio­na­ry groups, gai­ned the NP libe­ral support.

src: click

edit: Kor­rek­tur, er hat sich geäu­ßert, und das defi­ni­tiv ohne Medi­en­be­ra­ter

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