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(Dafür aber wieder direkt danach.)
Immer schön dazusagen, sonst sagt die Mainstreampresse (CNN an vorderster Front) beim zweiten Mal wenn du dich umdrehst um auch die Leute hinter dir zu adressieren, du wolltest denen nen Bellamy Salut zeigen.
Und nein, das ist keine dogwhistle ich finds nur unglaubwürdig, dass wir so endlich die WAHHAHAAFTIGE Natur von Elon Musk entdecken durften…
Gut, er hat sich bisher noch nicht dazu geäußert. Ich frag mich grad ob das öffentlichkeitswirksamkeitstechnisch richtig oder falsch ist. Die Rechtfertigung würde zwei Wochen auf dauerloop laufen, wenn er sie jetzt in ne Kamera spricht.
Am besten Woche warten, nen Slot bei Lex Fridman buchen, und dann drüber reden.
Problem, der ist kurzfristig ausgebucht. Und wenn Musk mit einer Reaktion ein Monat wartet… Ist das eigentlich bereits wieder zu lang.
edit: Future me:
Elon Musk is not a Nazi. Y’all lost your minds 🤣
— Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) January 22, 2025
Die NYT auch wieder ehrenhaft wie immer:
Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture
Speaking at a celebratory rally in Washington, Mr. Musk twice extended his arm out with his palm facing down, drawing comparisons to the Nazi salute.
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Nein, nein, wir - also wir spekulieren ja sicher nicht. Und CNN, nein, also die haben das natürlich keinesfalls impliziert als sie 15 Minuten über den komischen Salut gesprochen haben… nein, nein - aber wissen sie was das INTERNET wieder gemacht hat?!
Nein, das ist ja unglaublich Bob! Berichten wir doch das!
Also verlogener gehts nimmer.
How to not get sued for libel as a newspaper?
edit: Gut, warum moderieren, sag ich mir als Standard Moderator immer:
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Sippenhaftung, Verleumdung der Familie, Verleumdung der Person, kein weiterer Inhalt. Cleared. Das geht durch!
Elon described his father Errol as a “terrible human being”, adding: “Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done.”[33][34]
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Wobei das Kommentar nach 15 min Recherche inhaltlich nicht so falsch liegt.
Errol Graham Musk[8] is a retired South African engineer, politician, and businessman born in South Africa.[3] His mother, Cora Amelia Musk (née Robinson), was British and his father Walter Henry James Musk was a South African army sergeant,[3][9] who served as a cryptographer in a military intelligence unit in Egypt during World War II.[10] Errol attended Clapham High School, where he dated Maye Haldeman,[11] and the pair married in 1970.[12]: 44 The family lived in Pretoria, where Maye worked as a dietitian and a model.[11] Their first child, Elon Reeve Musk, was born in 1971, named after Maye’s grandfather J. Elon Haldeman, with the name Reeve after her maternal grandmother’s maiden name.[11][3]
On 9 March 1972, Musk was elected as an independent to represent Sunnyside on the Pretoria City Council.[13][12]: 52 [14][15] In 1980,[16]: 71 he became a member of the Progressive Federal Party, the new official opposition formed in 1977, and ran as their Sunnyside nominee in the 1981 election.[12]: 52 [17]: 225, fn 119 In 1983, his resignation from the PFP over its stance towards the constitutional referendum was front page news for the ruling National Party’s organ Die Burger, which portrayed the opposition as divided.[17]: 225, fn 119 [18] Musk rebelled against the PFP’s call for rejecting the new constitution and cited his agreement with the New Republic Party’s position that the Tricameral Parliament was a step in the right direction.[16]: 71–72
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The primary policy of the NRP was to introduce a multi-chambered parliament, with a chamber each for whites, coloureds, Indians, and urban blacks. However, in 1982 the Nationalist government announced plans for a Tricameral Parliament, which was to represent coloureds, Indians, and whites. Blacks were not represented, even though the government no longer officially expected them to migrate to the bantustans. Nevertheless, the Tricameral Parliament’s marked similarity to the NRP’s policy meant that it was increasingly difficult to strike a moderate course between the NP and the liberal PFP. The Tricameral policy, and an announcement that it would talk to revolutionary groups, gained the NP liberal support.
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edit: Korrektur, er hat sich geäußert, und das definitiv ohne Medienberater…