Biden reports he thinks Ukraine will not have to give up territorial integrity

25. März 2022

- but that this would have to be a decisi­on made by Ukrai­ne, and Ukrai­ne alone.

So let me rephra­se. Rus­sia is going to loo­se Sewas­to­pol, unrestric­ted access to the black sea, semi unrestric­ted access to the Bos­pho­rus and the Dar­da­nel­les Straits.

While this is the public opi­ni­on shared amongst G7 Sta­tes, with Bor­rell thin­king, that rus­sia would do too litt­le to enga­ge in nego­tia­ti­ons, which then are always blo­cked by Selen­skyj sta­ting, that he cant sur­ren­der even one city/territory (inclu­ding Crimea).

No media reports of course.

And the per­son who will be pul­ling off that magic trick? Ursu­la von der Leyen.

And I indi­ca­ted that I knew how much he — becau­se we had long dis­cus­sions in the past about his inte­rest in making sure he has eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons and eco­no­mic growth with Euro­pe and the United Sta­tes — and indi­ca­ted that he’d be put­ting hims­elf in signi­fi­cant jeo­par­dy and tho­se — in tho­se aims if, in fact, he were to move forward.

I am not going to com­ment on any detail about what we know or don’t know as a con­se­quence of that con­ver­sa­ti­on. But tomor­row is — is it tomor­row or next Mon­day that Ursu­la is having that con­fe­rence with China?


THE PRESIDENT: The 1st — on April 1st.

We’ve had dis­cus­sions — becau­se I think that Chi­na under­stands that its eco­no­mic future is much more clo­se­ly tied to the West than it is to Russia.

src: click

Mea­ning - the Euro­pe has to threa­ten Chi­na, to make an impact on rus­sia stra­te­gy is in full play now.

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