Chatham House doing what bought out voices are doing…

03. März 2024

Actively misun­derstan­ding the past “just enough” to make us look good.

So - here are a few inklings:

- The mis­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on didnt start in 2007 when rus­sia and the west had dif­fe­ring opi­ni­ons, but the west “com­mu­ni­ca­ted bad­ly”. It star­ted after Mer­kel was on her way out, and the US pres­sed ONE MORE TIME. (see: Der Spie­gel: Ukrai­ne: How Mer­kel Pre­ven­ted Ukraine’s NATO Mem­bers­hip (A DER SPIEGEL Recon­struc­tion))

- The argu­ments of rus­sia in their deba­te with the USA over the secu­ri­ty eco­sys­tem in euro­pe were not “argu­ab­ly both desi­gned to fail” and com­ple­te­ly unac­cep­ta­ble - only one of them was. Thats why they were the “argu­ments they star­ted nego­tia­ti­ons with, not their red lines” (accord­ing to Tho­mas Gra­ham (CFR)), at least Chat­ham House got the second part right. But the devil is in the details, right?

- We didnt pro­vi­de the Ukrai­ne any air sup­port, becau­se the collec­ti­ve West made a mista­ke, no accord­ing to Zei­han - who was invi­ted to US mili­ta­ry head­quar­ters at the time to give brie­fings about mine­ral depo­sit volu­mes, and tra­ding rou­tes, back then - the US mili­ta­ry at least in part deci­ded they wan­ted to test their new “mili­ta­ry stra­te­gy for the world” to stop an advers­a­ry using long ran­ge pre­cisi­on artil­le­ry which they can (in future) sup­ply on the cheap, and which doesnt need any direct US inter­ven­ti­on, becau­se any wil­ling popu­la­ti­on, in any regi­on of the world, can put it to use. (Espe­cial­ly bra­ve hero war­ri­or peop­le in the Ukrai­ne, which will be so valu­able to Nato in the future…) Becau­se it was deemed hel­pful to get data on how well this would work as a “mode of inter­ven­ti­on” in other parts of the world.

Of cour­se you cant say any of that at Chat­ham House openly…

But you guys just keep poli­shing over the rougher parts… Thats what you are get­ting paid for anyhow.

Thats three lies, for three points made wit­hin the first eight minutes.

Isnt that great?!

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

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