Correction (Correction partly corrected.)

03. März 2024

Dont know whe­re that came from. In my eager­ness of enra­ged arguing, I argued “Nato bun­kers having been pre­sent in Ukrai­ne for years” - as one of the argu­ments of how the US was instru­men­tal in pro­vo­king the Ukraine/Russian war - sim­ply becau­se I picked it up floa­ting around in the past few days.

Dou­ble che­cking my argu­ments right now, it beca­me obvious, that this seems to have been a lar­ge­ly unsub­stan­tia­ted claim used by Rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da in the past months.

It see­med so plausible…

After all, by now we know about NATO stay­back initia­ti­ves, we know about the US initia­ti­ves what to do in Ger­ma­ny in case of a Rus­si­an nuclear attack during the cold war, we know, that the US direct­ly hel­ped and lar­ge­ly plan­ned the dest­ruc­tion of the Moskwa, we know about the “inst­ruc­tors” being sent into Ukrai­ne. We know about the misu­se of the terms “inst­ruc­tors” in mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on plan­ning. We know about the inter­na­tio­nal inter­ven­ti­on for­ces that are send to Ukrai­ne. We know how they are inte­gra­ted into Ukrai­ni­an batail­lons. We know that a year befo­re the attack the US tried to talk the Ukrai­ne into for­ti­fy­ing its coun­try with tren­ches, which Selen­skyj back then denied out of eco­no­mic con­si­de­ra­ti­ons. We know about the real time battle­field infor­ma­ti­on sharing thats going on. We know about the very strong ties (mili­ta­ry edu­ca­tio­nal back­ground in the US) of three fourths of Selen­sky­js seni­or staff, and we know about ope­ra­tio­nal help in key sec­tors - by NATO mili­ta­ry per­so­nal, to extend cer­tain capa­bi­li­ties to Ukrai­ne. edit: We also know about the secu­ri­ty coope­ra­ti­on initia­ti­ves with the soon to be mem­ber­sta­te, and about the initia­ti­ve to make the legal sys­tem of the Ukrai­ne com­pa­ti­ble with Nato decisi­on struc­tures. And we know about the mili­ta­ry indus­tri­al coope­ra­ti­ons and sec­to­ral invest­ments in Ukrai­ne, short­ly befo­re the war (lar­ge­ly becau­se Nato inte­gra­ti­on was plan­ned and alrea­dy on its way).

All of tho­se are con­fir­med, or de fac­to public know­ledge in mili­ta­ry cir­cles by now.

But no NATO bun­kers in Ukraine.

I’m sor­ry.

And to make it worse, I dont even know whe­re I picked that one up, pro­bab­ly “Welt­wo­che”, but I’m not sure on that one either.

Bad optics.

I’m sor­ry about that.

Now back to fuck you, fuck you and fuck you for the public orches­tra­ti­on that is “media work” con­cer­ning Ukrai­ne topics the­se days.

I’ll rese­arch on the topic a bit lon­ger, but I’m fair­ly sure that this was a fake nar­ra­ti­ve, that I was pan­de­ring, becau­se I bought it for half a day - without even che­cking on it.

edit: Might even be, that I filed this news report wrong mentally:

Russia’s NATO neigh­bors are buil­ding hund­reds of bun­kers and anti-tank dit­ches in case of an invasion

src: click

(They are buil­ding them on their own soil, of course.)

I sim­ply dont know.

edit: Found it!

It was­n’t NATO, it was the CIA.

And it wasnt Welt­wo­che, it was the Aus­tri­an yel­low page paper exx­press in an arti­cle yes­ter­day, refer­ring to a New York Times report.

New York Times: CIA betreibt seit Jah­ren zwölf gehei­me Kom­man­do­bun­ker in der Ukraine

Der US-Geheimdienst CIA spielt schon lan­ge eine maß­geb­li­che Rol­le in der Ukrai­ne, berich­tet die New York Times. Zwölf gehei­me Bun­ker wur­den seit 2014 unweit der rus­si­schen Gren­ze errich­tet. Sie sam­meln Infor­ma­tio­nen über rus­si­sche Akti­vi­tä­ten und trai­nie­ren ukrai­ni­sche Spe­zi­al­kom­man­dos. Auch Drohnen- und Rake­ten­an­grif­fe sind von ihnen aus möglich.

src: click

Sor­ry for having mixed up CIA and NATO in this instance, and sor­ry for having been so nai­ve, that I though I had to cor­rect mys­elf here, becau­se I was inad­vertent­ly con­suming fake news.

I wasnt.

Well, good to know… Thats actual­ly a reli­ef, becau­se It means, this time it was a simp­le mista­ke, and I dont have to vet my media con­sump­ti­on rou­ti­ne more clo­se­ly than I alrea­dy do.

Fuck this world.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

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