Could you please repeat that, Mr. Stoltenberg?

08. Oktober 2023

Stol­ten­berg: Pre­si­dent Putin decla­red in the Autumn of 2021 - and he actual­ly sent a a draft trea­ty, that he wan­ted NATO to sign to pro­mi­se no more NATO enlar­ge­ment. He went to war to pre­vent NATO - more NATO clo­se to his bor­ders. He has he, he has got the exact oppo­si­te he has get more NATO pre­sence in the eas­tern part of the alli­an­ce and he has also uh uh uh seen that Fin­land has alrea­dy joi­ned the alli­an­ce and Swe­den will soon be a full member!

edit: Offi­cial tran­script for refe­rence: click

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