
30. November 2024

What, chi­na has 250x the ship buil­ding capa­ci­ty com­pa­red to the US at this time? Tar­ge­ted towards smal­ler more mobi­le ships, which are about what you’d need in the future to secu­re sea routes?

Lets send the ger­mans over the­re to patrol “our backy­ard in south asia”, so they’ll learn what the chal­len­ges the­re are, first hand!

I call this:

Have an unsolva­ble pro­blem again? Plug it with germany!

(May­be tell them they can do the same they did with rus­sia, paci­fy them through tra­de oppor­tu­nities! No, tell them they can learn how to act tough mili­ta­ri­ly the­re! Bet­ter argu­ment for the domestic audience!)

The pro­blem still remains unsol­veab­le, but at least now you have side benefits!

Ger­ma­ny wins, and chi­ne­se pull back more - Win.
Ger­ma­ny loses, and chi­ne­se pull Ger­man tra­de opti­ons - Win.

Every time the­re is a skir­mish, this all starts over and the first time Chi­na picks opti­on two, the US depen­den­cy of ger­ma­ny intensifies.

Also why is Trump an asset in the­se deba­tes again? (You dont know what he will do! You have to paci­fy him!) Oh yeah, becau­se Euro­pean US depen­den­cy alrea­dy increased…

Lets think this two deca­des fur­ther. Chi­ne­se have dou­bled their des­troy­er fleet. Chi­ne­se secu­re mari­ti­me tra­de routes.

So US blocks the Strait of Hormuz.

Ger­ma­ny hap­py, becau­se it alrea­dy knows US geo­po­li­ti­cal pro­blems in the south chi­na sea!

Man, tho­se Atlan­tic Coun­cil folks, just cant loose!

Chi­na: Deut­sche Mari­ne­schif­fe in Tai­wan­stra­ße “fal­sches Signal”

edit: 232 times the ship buil­ding capa­ci­ty. Accord­ing to the alli­an­ce for ame­ri­can manu­fac­tu­ring.

edit: Gre­at news num­ber two, same spea­ker - do what Shin­zō Abe did and make a won­der­full (be it a litt­le lob sided…) tra­de deal!

Yeah, we alrea­dy know, that thats what Merz is for, thanks.. 😉

Con­text: Japan Reg­rets Trus­ting Trump on Trade
Tra­de nego­tia­ti­ons have left Tokyo giving much and get­ting litt­le. (FP)

src: click

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