Matthias Balmetzhofer vor einer Stunde
Russlands Außenminister Lawrow nennt den ukrainischen Friedensplan „sinnlos“
Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow bezeichnet in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Interview mit der Moskauer Tageszeitung “Iswestija” den von der Ukraine vorgeschlagene Friedensplan als sinnlos. “Wir sind auf jeden Fall zu Gesprächen bereit, aber nicht auf der Grundlage der ‘Friedensformel’ Selenskyj”, sagt Lawrow laut der Zeitung.Ein vorgeschlagener Friedensgipfel werde erst dann Erfolg haben, wenn seine Grundlagen geändert würden, wozu auch die Teilnahme Russlands gehöre, so Lawrow. Er weißt die Bestimmungen des Plans, der unter anderem den Abzug der russischen Truppen vorsieht, weiterhin als inakzeptabel zurück. “Wie könnte ein ernsthafter Politiker in Washington, Brüssel, London, Paris oder Berlin sagen, dass es keine Alternative zur ‘Selenskyj-Formel’ gibt”.
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Was würden wir als Standardredakteure nicht alles tun um zu verschleiern, dass wir die Bevölkerung in Bezug auf Selenskyjs “Friedensformel” fehlinformieren?
Naja, klar - weitermachen…
Also - gut, Lawrow nennt die ukrainische Friedensformel sinnlos…
Das russische Schwein.
Jan van Aken, Außenpolitik-Experte, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung schüttelt im September 2023 bei der Nennung der selenskyjschen Friedensformel auf Phoenix den Kopf, als es um “sie verhandeln ja” geht.
Das deutsche Schwein.
Propaganda hat wieder niemand entdeckt.
Wollen wir mal im Detail drauf schaun?
Also -
Selenskyj am 19. Dezember 2022:
Russia – instead of stopping the crime of aggression, which it started back in 2014 – turned it into a full-scale invasion. And we have no choice but to defend ourselves. We do it. We push the aggressor beyond the internationally recognized border of the Ukrainian state.
And this is the first item of our peace formula. Comprehensive item. Punishment.
Punishment for the crime of aggression. Punishment for violation of borders and territorial integrity. Punishment that must be in place until the internationally recognized border is restored. Until the aggression stops. And until the damages and losses for the war are fully compensated.
Therefore, sanctions against the aggressor are part of the peace formula. Blocking the trade and relations with the aggressor is part of the peace formula. All this is a punishment.
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Neat! So, we want to talk, peace - here are the reparations you will be paying as the defeated power. This is your punishment. Here, the peace formula by Selenskyj tells you.
Ok, das war aber erst das erste Item, weiter zum nächsten…
The second item of the peace formula is the protection of life. The most concrete item.
Now, while the sessions of the General Assembly continue, in the Ukrainian town of Izyum, Kharkiv region, the exhumation is under way… of bodies from a mass burial, which happened when the territory was controlled by Russian troops. The bodies of women and men, children and adults, civilians and soldiers were found there. 445 graves.
There is a family that died under the rubble of a house after a Russian airstrike – father, mother, 6- and 8-year-old girls, grandparents. There is a man who was strangled with a rope. There is a woman with broken ribs and wounds on her body. There is a man who was castrated before the murder, and this is not the first case.
Ask, please, the representatives of Russia why the Russian military are so obsessed with castration. What was done to them so that they want to do this to others?
So, we want to talk peace, so lets talk about why you are so obsessed with castration. We really, really have to figure this out. Its part of the Selenskyj peace formula, you know.
Weiter zum nächsten Punkt:
This step will put everything in place. After the Russian missile terror. After the massacres. After Mariupol. After the burning of Ukrainian prisoners in Olenivka by the Russian military. After blocking the ports. After the strikes of Russian tanks and missiles on nuclear power plants. And after threats to use nuclear weapons, which have become the rule, not the exception, for Russian propagandists…
We must finally recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. At all levels. In all countries that confess the values of peace and protection of human life. Legally. Politically.
If you don’t have a legal mechanism, you can make a political decision – in the parliaments. This is the foundation for restoring global security. If this strong step is taken, doubts will disappear – whether to take other important steps.
And what is very sensitive – is the border, the territorial integrity.
When one country tries to steal the territory of another state, it puts all world nations under attack.
Global security cannot be restored without restoring the territorial integrity of the nation which suffered the armed aggression.
So, the third item of the Ukrainian peace formula is the restoration of security and territorial integrity.
Lets talk about peace, but lets declare you a terror sponsor first, one that stole the national integrity of another country - so your state of course has to be dismantled, your goverment toppled, your president held accountable - oh and you leave the Ukraine out of your own volition - because this is what it says here in item three!
But thats nothing compared to item four…
The fourth item is security guarantees.
Every nation has the right to security guarantees. Not only the largest nations. Not only the most fortunate ones.
We have proposals to upgrade the security architecture for Ukraine, and for Europe and the world, which will not allow any more aggression against us. We are already presenting them to partners.
Proposals for legally binding multilateral and bilateral treaties. These are the conditions for the guarantors to act, and the timeline for their actions to bring results – results on land, at sea and in the air; in diplomacy and politics, in economy and finance, in providing weapons and intelligence. Each of you, who will receive the text of our peace formula will also see the details of what we offer as security guarantees.
Lets talk peace, nay - lets talk about the global ambition of the Selenskyj peace formula, which we give out to the world for free to use! Point four to solve a conflict will allways be - have US support on your side, because no one else can give binding guaranties that mean a shit -- oh, and of course the US sees nothing of what the UN security council produces as binding. Even though it is binding under the UN charter. Great peace formula, always have the US as your friend. People of the world use this, I give it to you for free! I’m telling you you can have it, and then we have peace. I’m Selenskyj!
But lets talk about item five next, ok?
And the fifth item of the Ukrainian peace formula is determination. Something without which the other four items will not work.
This is our determination to fight. This is the determination of the partners to help us, and also themselves. And this is the determination of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggression and to call to order the one who threatens all. […]
So, lets talk about peace, but first, let us ensure you that we are determined to fight. Only the determination to fight will unite the world and our partners!
So --- after that fiasco, they kind of redrafted the SELENSKY PEACE FORMULA a bit…
… and came up with the following fucking overproduced piece of shit in September of 2023:
Friedensformel, Friedensformel, CNN Moderator *nicknicknick*
Where in the presentation, you see Fareed Zakaria having this little moment of cognitive dissonance on stage, at the exact time he realizes that he is peddling COMPLETE PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT during this exchange:
First Question Fareed Zakaria:
“At what point during this peace formula will the Ukraine speak with Russia?”
Andrij Jermak:
“You know Fareed, I dont believe in mediation… […] And now I position very strong and clear, we not just think about any negotiations, till the last soldiers in our land”
But for some FUCKING REASON not in the moments before, when the FUCKING TRAILER ROLL for the SELENSKYJ PEACE FORMULA was running on stage:
Fareed Zakaria: “Andrij Jermak has brought this!”
Now having been rejiggered to contain the following points - so the Selenskyj Peace formula now is:
1. Radiation and Nuclear safety
2. Food Security
3. Energy Security
4. Release of Captives and deportees persons [Spellchecker is a paid job in the ukrainian goverment]
5. Restoration of Ukraine’s territorial intergritys
[Spellchecker is a paid job in the ukrainian goverment]
6. Withdrawal of russian troops and cessation of hostilities
7. Restoration of justice
8. Environmental safety
9. Prevention of escalation and aggression reoccurrence
10. Confirmation of war ending
Which is just great.
So of course, what would be the most IDIOTIC way to implement this “Formula”? Of course, you hold at least TEN summits, at unspecified timeframes, while fucking flying all over the world for no reason (more on that later), to then address ONE POINT AT A TIME on every conference.
And then on the tenth conference or the eleventh you’ll announce peace without ever having had to talk to russia! THE SELENSKY PEACE FORMULA IS JUST THAT MAGICAL!
But wait you say - he was flying all over the world for no reason, how can you say that? Well - take the matter of “how international partners to hold those summits are chosen” for example.
So one of the first countries chosen was Saudi Arabia of course, because - and I quote Selenskyj, because it was so valuable as a moderator in our prisoner exchanges with russia, so NATURALLY Saudi Arabia is your first country for the Selenskyj peace formula, which is free for the world. The ukrainian government is that generous.
There you then talk about nuclear safety of course, because thats your first point on the new and better Selenskyj peace formula - and you’ll only ever talk about one point at a time, so that in the end there can be peace. Of course.
Here is an image of those talks:
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World peace only inches away.
So naturally, as the ukrainian government, at the same time you put out there that the talks will lead to nothing, waaaayyy beforehand.
Saudi Arabia hosts peace talks on Ukraine war excluding Russia
Saudi Arabia hosted talks on the Ukraine war Saturday in the latest flexing of its diplomatic muscle, a session that Kyiv had predicted would “not be easy” given the wide range of countries represented.
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You are reading the headline of France 24 on the conference btw. Here is articles content.
The meeting, which Ukrainian organisers said would include representatives from nearly 40 countries but not Russia, concluded on Saturday evening after several hours of statements from the various delegations and a lengthy closed discussion, participants said.
As expected, no final declaration was due to be released, though some delegations were planning to take part in bilateral meetings in Jeddah on Sunday, participants said.
But really, thats just as expected.
And because you do everything by the book, the next important country for your next peace formula item, where you then talk about food security - will be Switzerland. Ok, maybe by then you rejigger the points once more, and stop communicating them at all again, because talking food security for the world, and how to gain world peace the Selenskyj way in SWITZERLAND?! - kind of leaves you with a strange aftertaste.
Oh wait, I lied - the next peace formula summit took place in Malta. Heard anything about that one, or why Malta was chosen? No? Look it up then, it must be out there, right? You do some work. Its for world peace and peace in Europe, you know?
Of course before you jet to Switzerland next, you talk to your pals in Saudi Arabia once more -
Ukraine’s presidency revealed on Wednesday talks with Saudi Arabia, focusing on the upcoming high-level peace conference in Switzerland next summer, amidst ongoing Russian military actions.
Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian president’s office, recently held a phone call conversation with Saudi National Security Adviser Musaad Al-Aiban, appreciating their ongoing dialogue.
Yermak also thanked Al-Aiban for the continued implementation of agreements reached between Ukraine and the Kingdom.
According to the presidency, the two officials discussed the organization of the summit in Switzerland and Saudi Arabia’s readiness to contribute to achieving lasting peace.
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Producing this stunner of a press photo:
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Of course this time emphasizing your readiness to achieve peace without russia, in Switzerland. This time its for real, because as soon as the summit is announced in swiss newspapers, they lead with the following -
Selenski kündigt internationale Friedenskonferenz zur Ukraine in der Schweiz an – aber ohne Russland
Bern und Kiew organisieren ein Treffen zur Friedensformel des ukrainischen Präsidenten. Bis zu Friedensgesprächen mit Moskau ist es ein weiter Weg. Dennoch kann die Schweiz einen Erfolg verbuchen.
Ein Sprecher des Aussendepartements (EDA) bestätigte am Montag, dass vor dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos am 14. Januar eine Konferenz zur ukrainischen Friedensformel stattfinde.
Schweiz kam spät ins Spiel
Es handelt sich um das vierte dieser Art von Treffen, die die ukrainische Seite als Friedenskonferenzen bezeichnet. Zunächst handelte es sich primär um eine Zusammenkunft von Staaten, welche die Ukraine unterstützen. Am zweiten Treffen, das in Saudiarabien stattfand, nahmen auch nichtwestliche Länder teil. Diese sind gegenüber der Ukraine zurückhaltender, weshalb kein gemeinsames Schlussstatement möglich war. Die Schweiz kam erst am dritten Treffen in Malta ins Spiel. Das EDA hat sich offenkundig für eine Vorwärtsstrategie entschieden: Es engagiert sich da, wo etwas geschieht.
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And wouldnt you know it - somehow no official communique on any results surfaced after that one either…
But now - wait for it, the fifth country in your SELENSKYJ PEACE FORMULA journey around the world will be “SOMEWHERE IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH” of course, you announce as Selenskyj, because this time around you really have to talk about food security, and…
Sinnlos? Wer würde hier behaupten, das sei sinnlos?
Wer würde hier behaupten, die FUCKING SCHEISSE von FRIEDENSFORMEL DES SELENSKYJ wurde vor der Wahlperiode in der Ukraine mit komplett anderen Punkten ausstaffiert - um die ukrainische Bevölkerung komplett zu verarschen, dass man ihre wahlrelevanten Anliegen beherzige, und an denen arbeite.
Denn exakt das sind die FUCKING ZEHN PUNKTE der ukrainischen Friedensformel heute.
1. Radiation and Nuclear safety
2. Food Security
3. Energy Security
4. Release of Captives and deportees persons
5. Restoration of Ukraine’s territorial intergritys
8. Environmental safety
10. Confirmation of war ending
All without talking to russia once.
Now the real gag here is, how you hide that from public view FOR ONE AN A HALF FUCKING YEARS. All the while getting rejected by FIFA who doesnt want you to spill that fucking shit, right before the WM finals. Live.
Which you asked for.
And the answer, is you’ve bought out all german speaking media, to no spell out for their readers, what the FUCK is going on here.
And this is, once again, where Der Standard proves very, very, very helpful again. OF COURSE.
(Was für ein blöder Zufall, das hat sicher kein Propagandist designt.)
heute wieder selektive Amnesie zu erleiden und uns dann als DER STANDARD zu empören, dass jemand das “sinnlos” nennt.
Dazu vielleicht noch ein kurzes passendes Kommentar abseits von
And the fifth item of the Ukrainian peace formula is determination. Something without which the other four items will not work.
This is our determination to fight. This is the determination of the partners to help us, and also themselves. And this is the determination of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggression and to call to order the one who threatens all. […]
Komisch, dass man das bis heute leider in deutschsprachigen Medien nicht aufarbeiten konnte.
Propaganda hat ja wieder niemand entdeckt.
Diese Gesellschaft ist und bleibt das absolut grotesk und abartigst Allerletzte.
Und jetzt noch mal Gratulation an den Standard für das Farmen von Hass gegen den Russen, damit die Bevölkerung die sich auf euch verlässt emotional ankert, dass das ja “nicht sinnlos ist”.
Nothing but sense Selenskyj, I always tell myself.
edit: Turns out the Ukraine dropped the “one item per summit” precondition it favored in the past. (Because then at the tenth or eleventh summit, peace - finally, without russia of course).
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The bad news is this:
Restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity
This initiative is aimed at improving the existing mechanisms to protect the principle of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, which is enshrined in the UN Charter.
The press service claims that in order to achieve these goals, it is important to:
- Increase the effectiveness of the UN Security Council by reforming and limiting the veto.
- Strengthen the role of the International Court of Justice by granting it compulsory jurisdiction over all cases involving violations of the UN Charter and guaranteeing the immediate enforcement of its decisions.
- Create a system for early detection of actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.
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So apparently, the seize fire in Gaza would have to be already in place for Ukraine to move forward in their talks with russia. Fun.
Es gibt aber natürlich auch wieder gute Nachrichten:
According to the President, most of the world is gradually uniting around a common vision of justice reflected in the “Formula for Peace”.
“Last year, when I first presented the formula, the world was still discussing a different vision, a completely different approach to the restoration of our state borders and a fair peace. And most of the world is gradually uniting around a common vision of justice, which is reflected in the “Formula for Peace”.
On the summit in Malta. Same source.