Der Standard verarscht mal wieder die Bevölkerung

29. März 2024

Mat­thi­as Bal­metz­ho­fer vor einer Stunde

Russ­lands Außen­mi­nis­ter Law­row nennt den ukrai­ni­schen Frie­dens­plan „sinn­los“
Der rus­si­sche Außen­mi­nis­ter Ser­gej Law­row bezeich­net in einem am Frei­tag ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Inter­view mit der Mos­kau­er Tages­zei­tung “Iswes­ti­ja” den von der Ukrai­ne vor­ge­schla­ge­ne Frie­dens­plan als sinn­los. “Wir sind auf jeden Fall zu Gesprä­chen bereit, aber nicht auf der Grund­la­ge der ‘Frie­dens­for­mel’ Selen­skyj”, sagt Law­row laut der Zeitung.

Ein vor­ge­schla­ge­ner Frie­dens­gip­fel wer­de erst dann Erfolg haben, wenn sei­ne Grund­la­gen geän­dert wür­den, wozu auch die Teil­nah­me Russ­lands gehö­re, so Law­row. Er weißt die Bestim­mun­gen des Plans, der unter ande­rem den Abzug der rus­si­schen Trup­pen vor­sieht, wei­ter­hin als inak­zep­ta­bel zurück. “Wie könn­te ein ernst­haf­ter Poli­ti­ker in Washing­ton, Brüs­sel, Lon­don, Paris oder Ber­lin sagen, dass es kei­ne Alter­na­ti­ve zur ‘Selenskyj-Formel’ gibt”.

src: click

Was wür­den wir als Stan­dard­re­dak­teu­re nicht alles tun um zu ver­schlei­ern, dass wir die Bevöl­ke­rung in Bezug auf Selen­sky­js “Frie­dens­for­mel” fehlinformieren?

Naja, klar - weitermachen…

Also - gut, Law­row nennt die ukrai­ni­sche Frie­dens­for­mel sinnlos… 

Das rus­si­sche Schwein.

Jan van Aken, Außenpolitik-Experte, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung schüt­telt im Sep­tem­ber 2023 bei der Nen­nung der selen­sky­j­schen Frie­dens­for­mel auf Phoe­nix den Kopf, als es um “sie ver­han­deln ja” geht.

Das deut­sche Schwein.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

Wol­len wir mal im Detail drauf schaun?

Selen­sky­js Friedensformel

Also -

Selen­skyj am 19. Dezem­ber 2022:

Rus­sia – ins­tead of stop­ping the crime of aggres­si­on, which it star­ted back in 2014 – tur­ned it into a full-scale inva­si­on. And we have no choice but to defend our­sel­ves. We do it. We push the aggres­sor bey­ond the inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­der of the Ukrai­ni­an state.

And this is the first item of our peace for­mu­la. Com­pre­hen­si­ve item. Punishment. 

Punish­ment for the crime of aggres­si­on. Punish­ment for vio­la­ti­on of bor­ders and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty. Punish­ment that must be in place until the inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­der is res­to­red. Until the aggres­si­on stops. And until the dama­ges and los­ses for the war are ful­ly compensated.

The­re­fo­re, sanc­tions against the aggres­sor are part of the peace for­mu­la. Blo­cking the tra­de and rela­ti­ons with the aggres­sor is part of the peace for­mu­la. All this is a punishment.

src: click

Neat! So, we want to talk, peace - here are the repa­ra­ti­ons you will be paying as the defea­ted power. This is your punish­ment. Here, the peace for­mu­la by Selen­skyj tells you.

Ok, das war aber erst das ers­te Item, wei­ter zum nächsten…

The second item of the peace for­mu­la is the pro­tec­tion of life. The most con­cre­te item.

Now, while the ses­si­ons of the Gene­ral Assem­bly con­ti­nue, in the Ukrai­ni­an town of Izyum, Khar­kiv regi­on, the exhu­ma­ti­on is under way… of bodies from a mass buri­al, which hap­pen­ed when the ter­ri­to­ry was con­trol­led by Rus­si­an tro­ops. The bodies of women and men, child­ren and adults, civi­li­ans and sol­di­ers were found the­re. 445 graves. 

The­re is a fami­ly that died under the rub­ble of a house after a Rus­si­an airstrike – father, mother, 6- and 8-year-old girls, grand­par­ents. The­re is a man who was stran­gled with a rope. The­re is a woman with bro­ken ribs and wounds on her body. The­re is a man who was cas­tra­ted befo­re the mur­der, and this is not the first case.

Ask, plea­se, the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Rus­sia why the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry are so obses­sed with cas­tra­ti­on. What was done to them so that they want to do this to others?

So, we want to talk peace, so lets talk about why you are so obses­sed with cas­tra­ti­on. We real­ly, real­ly have to figu­re this out. Its part of the Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la, you know.

Wei­ter zum nächs­ten Punkt:

This step will put ever­ything in place. After the Rus­si­an mis­si­le ter­ror. After the mas­sa­c­res. After Mariu­pol. After the bur­ning of Ukrai­ni­an pri­so­ners in Ole­ni­vka by the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry. After blo­cking the ports. After the strikes of Rus­si­an tanks and mis­si­les on nuclear power plants. And after thre­ats to use nuclear wea­pons, which have beco­me the rule, not the excep­ti­on, for Rus­si­an propagandists…

We must final­ly reco­gni­ze Rus­sia as a sta­te spon­sor of ter­ro­rism. At all levels. In all coun­tries that con­fess the values of peace and pro­tec­tion of human life. Legal­ly. Politically. 

If you don’t have a legal mecha­nism, you can make a poli­ti­cal decisi­on – in the par­lia­ments. This is the foun­da­ti­on for res­to­ring glo­bal secu­ri­ty. If this strong step is taken, doubts will disap­pe­ar – whe­ther to take other important steps.

And what is very sen­si­ti­ve – is the bor­der, the ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity.

When one coun­try tri­es to ste­al the ter­ri­to­ry of ano­t­her sta­te, it puts all world nati­ons under attack. 

Glo­bal secu­ri­ty can­not be res­to­red without res­to­ring the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of the nati­on which suf­fe­red the armed aggression.

So, the third item of the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la is the res­to­ra­ti­on of secu­ri­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity.

Lets talk about peace, but lets decla­re you a ter­ror spon­sor first, one that sto­le the natio­nal inte­gri­ty of ano­t­her coun­try - so your sta­te of cour­se has to be dis­mant­led, your gover­ment topp­led, your pre­si­dent held accoun­ta­ble - oh and you lea­ve the Ukrai­ne out of your own voli­ti­on - becau­se this is what it says here in item three!

But thats not­hing com­pa­red to item four…

The fourth item is secu­ri­ty guarantees.

Every nati­on has the right to secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees. Not only the lar­gest nati­ons. Not only the most for­tu­n­a­te ones.

We have pro­po­sals to upgrade the secu­ri­ty archi­tec­tu­re for Ukrai­ne, and for Euro­pe and the world, which will not allow any more aggres­si­on against us. We are alrea­dy pre­sen­ting them to partners. 

Pro­po­sals for legal­ly bin­ding mul­ti­la­te­ral and bila­te­ral trea­ties. The­se are the con­di­ti­ons for the gua­ran­tors to act, and the time­li­ne for their actions to bring results – results on land, at sea and in the air; in diplo­ma­cy and poli­tics, in eco­no­my and finan­ce, in pro­vi­ding wea­pons and intel­li­gence. Each of you, who will recei­ve the text of our peace for­mu­la will also see the details of what we offer as secu­ri­ty guarantees.

Lets talk peace, nay - lets talk about the glo­bal ambi­ti­on of the Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la, which we give out to the world for free to use! Point four to sol­ve a con­flict will all­ways be - have US sup­port on your side, becau­se no one else can give bin­ding gua­ran­ties that mean a shit -- oh, and of cour­se the US sees not­hing of what the UN secu­ri­ty coun­cil pro­du­ces as bin­ding. Even though it is bin­ding under the UN char­ter. Gre­at peace for­mu­la, always have the US as your friend. Peop­le of the world use this, I give it to you for free! I’m tel­ling you you can have it, and then we have peace. I’m Selenskyj!

But lets talk about item five next, ok?

And the fifth item of the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la is deter­mi­na­ti­on. Some­thing without which the other four items will not work.

This is our deter­mi­na­ti­on to fight. This is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the part­ners to help us, and also them­sel­ves. And this is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggres­si­on and to call to order the one who threa­tens all. […]

So, lets talk about peace, but first, let us ensu­re you that we are deter­mi­ned to fight. Only the deter­mi­na­ti­on to fight will unite the world and our partners!

So --- after that fias­co, they kind of redraf­ted the SELENSKY PEACE FORMULA a bit…

… and came up with the fol­lowing fuck­ing over­pro­du­ced pie­ce of shit in Sep­tem­ber of 2023:

Frie­dens­for­mel, Frie­dens­for­mel, CNN Mode­ra­tor *nick­nick­nick*

Whe­re in the pre­sen­ta­ti­on, you see Fareed Zaka­ria having this litt­le moment of cogni­ti­ve dis­so­nan­ce on sta­ge, at the exact time he rea­li­zes that he is peddling COMPLETE PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT during this exchange:

First Ques­ti­on Fareed Zakaria: 

At what point during this peace for­mu­la will the Ukrai­ne speak with Russia?” 

Andrij Jer­mak:

You know Fareed, I dont belie­ve in media­ti­on… […] And now I posi­ti­on very strong and clear, we not just think about any nego­tia­ti­ons, till the last sol­di­ers in our land” 

But for some FUCKING REASON not in the moments befo­re, when the FUCKING TRAILER ROLL for the SELENSKYJ PEACE FORMULA was run­ning on stage:

Fareed Zaka­ria: “Andrij Jer­mak has brought this!”

Now having been rejig­ge­red to con­tain the fol­lowing points - so the Selen­skyj Peace for­mu­la now is:

1. Radia­ti­on and Nuclear safety
2. Food Security
3. Ener­gy Security
4. Release of Cap­ti­ves and depor­tees per­sons [Spell­che­cker is a paid job in the ukrai­ni­an goverment]
5. Res­to­ra­ti­on of Ukraine’s ter­ri­to­ri­al intergritys
[Spell­che­cker is a paid job in the ukrai­ni­an goverment]
6. With­dra­wal of rus­si­an tro­ops and ces­sa­ti­on of hostilities
7. Res­to­ra­ti­on of justice
8. Envi­ron­men­tal safety
9. Pre­ven­ti­on of esca­la­ti­on and aggres­si­on reoccurrence
10. Con­fir­ma­ti­on of war ending

Which is just great.

So of cour­se, what would be the most IDIOTIC way to imple­ment this “For­mu­la”? Of cour­se, you hold at least TEN sum­mits, at unspe­ci­fied time­frames, while fuck­ing fly­ing all over the world for no rea­son (more on that later), to then address ONE POINT AT A TIME on every conference.

And then on the tenth con­fe­rence or the ele­venth you’ll announ­ce peace without ever having had to talk to rus­sia! THE SELENSKY PEACE FORMULA IS JUST THAT MAGICAL!

But wait you say - he was fly­ing all over the world for no rea­son, how can you say that? Well - take the mat­ter of “how inter­na­tio­nal part­ners to hold tho­se sum­mits are cho­sen” for example.

So one of the first coun­tries cho­sen was Sau­di Ara­bia of cour­se, becau­se - and I quo­te Selen­skyj, becau­se it was so valu­able as a mode­ra­tor in our pri­so­ner exch­an­ges with rus­sia, so NATURALLY Sau­di Ara­bia is your first coun­try for the Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la, which is free for the world. The ukrai­ni­an government is that generous.

The­re you then talk about nuclear safe­ty of cour­se, becau­se thats your first point on the new and bet­ter Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la - and you’ll only ever talk about one point at a time, so that in the end the­re can be peace. Of course.

Here is an image of tho­se talks:

src: click


World peace only inches away.

So natu­ral­ly, as the ukrai­ni­an government, at the same time you put out the­re that the talks will lead to not­hing, waaaay­yy beforehand.

Sau­di Ara­bia hosts peace talks on Ukrai­ne war exclu­ding Russia

Sau­di Ara­bia hos­ted talks on the Ukrai­ne war Satur­day in the latest flex­ing of its diplo­ma­tic mus­cle, a ses­si­on that Kyiv had pre­dic­ted would “not be easy” given the wide ran­ge of coun­tries represented.

src: click

You are rea­ding the head­line of Fran­ce 24 on the con­fe­rence btw. Here is arti­cles content.

The mee­ting, which Ukrai­ni­an orga­nisers said would inclu­de repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from near­ly 40 coun­tries but not Rus­sia, con­clu­ded on Satur­day evening after several hours of state­ments from the various dele­ga­ti­ons and a leng­thy clo­sed dis­cus­sion, par­ti­ci­pants said.

As expec­ted, no final decla­ra­ti­on was due to be released, though some dele­ga­ti­ons were plan­ning to take part in bila­te­ral mee­tings in Jed­dah on Sunday, par­ti­ci­pants said.

But real­ly, thats just as expected.

And becau­se you do ever­ything by the book, the next important coun­try for your next peace for­mu­la item, whe­re you then talk about food secu­ri­ty - will be Switz­er­land. Ok, may­be by then you rejig­ger the points once more, and stop com­mu­ni­ca­ting them at all again, becau­se tal­king food secu­ri­ty for the world, and how to gain world peace the Selen­skyj way in SWITZERLAND?! - kind of lea­ves you with a stran­ge aftertaste.

Oh wait, I lied - the next peace for­mu­la sum­mit took place in Mal­ta. Heard anything about that one, or why Mal­ta was cho­sen? No? Look it up then, it must be out the­re, right? You do some work. Its for world peace and peace in Euro­pe, you know?

Of cour­se befo­re you jet to Switz­er­land next, you talk to your pals in Sau­di Ara­bia once more -

Ukraine’s pre­si­den­cy reve­a­led on Wed­nes­day talks with Sau­di Ara­bia, focu­sing on the upco­m­ing high-level peace con­fe­rence in Switz­er­land next sum­mer, amidst ongo­ing Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry actions.
Andriy Yer­mak, the head of the Ukrai­ni­an president’s office, recent­ly held a pho­ne call con­ver­sa­ti­on with Sau­di Natio­nal Secu­ri­ty Advi­ser Musaad Al-Aiban, appre­cia­ting their ongo­ing dialogue.
Yer­mak also thank­ed Al-Aiban for the con­ti­nued imple­men­ta­ti­on of agree­ments reached bet­ween Ukrai­ne and the Kingdom.
Accord­ing to the pre­si­den­cy, the two offi­cials dis­cus­sed the orga­niz­a­ti­on of the sum­mit in Switz­er­land and Sau­di Arabia’s rea­di­ness to con­tri­bu­te to achie­ving las­ting peace.

src: click

Pro­du­cing this stun­ner of a press photo:
574939 0
src: click

Of cour­se this time empha­si­zing your rea­di­ness to achie­ve peace without rus­sia, in Switz­er­land. This time its for real, becau­se as soon as the sum­mit is announ­ced in swiss news­pa­pers, they lead with the following -

Selen­ski kün­digt inter­na­tio­na­le Frie­dens­kon­fe­renz zur Ukrai­ne in der Schweiz an – aber ohne Russland

Bern und Kiew orga­ni­sie­ren ein Tref­fen zur Frie­dens­for­mel des ukrai­ni­schen Prä­si­den­ten. Bis zu Frie­dens­ge­sprä­chen mit Mos­kau ist es ein wei­ter Weg. Den­noch kann die Schweiz einen Erfolg verbuchen.


Ein Spre­cher des Aus­sen­de­par­te­ments (EDA) bestä­tig­te am Mon­tag, dass vor dem Welt­wirt­schafts­fo­rum in Davos am 14. Janu­ar eine Kon­fe­renz zur ukrai­ni­schen Frie­dens­for­mel stattfinde. 


Schweiz kam spät ins Spiel
Es han­delt sich um das vier­te die­ser Art von Tref­fen, die die ukrai­ni­sche Sei­te als Frie­dens­kon­fe­ren­zen bezeich­net. Zunächst han­del­te es sich pri­mär um eine Zusam­men­kunft von Staa­ten, wel­che die Ukrai­ne unter­stüt­zen. Am zwei­ten Tref­fen, das in Sau­di­ara­bi­en statt­fand, nah­men auch nicht­west­li­che Län­der teil. Die­se sind gegen­über der Ukrai­ne zurück­hal­ten­der, wes­halb kein gemein­sa­mes Schluss­state­ment mög­lich war. Die Schweiz kam erst am drit­ten Tref­fen in Mal­ta ins Spiel. Das EDA hat sich offen­kun­dig für eine Vor­wärts­stra­te­gie ent­schie­den: Es enga­giert sich da, wo etwas geschieht.

src: click

And wouldnt you know it - somehow no offi­cial com­mu­ni­que on any results sur­fa­ced after that one either…

But now - wait for it, the fifth coun­try in your SELENSKYJ PEACE FORMULA jour­ney around the world will be “SOMEWHERE IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH” of cour­se, you announ­ce as Selen­skyj, becau­se this time around you real­ly have to talk about food secu­ri­ty, and…

Sinn­los? Wer wür­de hier behaup­ten, das sei sinnlos?

Wer wür­de hier behaup­ten, die FUCKING SCHEISSE von FRIEDENSFORMEL DES SELENSKYJ wur­de vor der Wahl­pe­ri­ode in der Ukrai­ne mit kom­plett ande­ren Punk­ten aus­staf­fiert - um die ukrai­ni­sche Bevöl­ke­rung kom­plett zu ver­ar­schen, dass man ihre wahl­re­le­van­ten Anlie­gen beher­zi­ge, und an denen arbeite.

Denn exakt das sind die FUCKING ZEHN PUNKTE der ukrai­ni­schen Frie­dens­for­mel heute.

1. Radia­ti­on and Nuclear safety
2. Food Security
3. Ener­gy Security
4. Release of Cap­ti­ves and depor­tees persons
5. Res­to­ra­ti­on of Ukraine’s ter­ri­to­ri­al intergritys
8. Envi­ron­men­tal safety
10. Con­fir­ma­ti­on of war ending


All without tal­king to rus­sia once.

Now the real gag here is, how you hide that from public view FOR ONE AN A HALF FUCKING YEARS. All the while get­ting rejec­ted by FIFA who doesnt want you to spill that fuck­ing shit, right befo­re the WM finals. Live.

Which you asked for.

And the ans­wer, is you’­ve bought out all ger­man spea­king media, to no spell out for their rea­ders, what the FUCK is going on here.

And this is, once again, whe­re Der Stan­dard pro­ves very, very, very hel­pful again. OF COURSE.



(Was für ein blö­der Zufall, das hat sicher kein Pro­pa­gan­dist designt.)


heu­te wie­der selek­ti­ve Amne­sie zu erlei­den und uns dann als DER STANDARD zu empö­ren, dass jemand das “sinn­los” nennt.



MIT PUNKT 4 ODER 9, JE NACHDEM WANN WIR UNS DIE FRIEDENSFORMEL ANSEHEN “hol dir Sicher­heits­ga­ran­tien von den US”.



Dazu viel­leicht noch ein kur­zes pas­sen­des Kom­men­tar abseits von

And the fifth item of the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la is deter­mi­na­ti­on. Some­thing without which the other four items will not work.

This is our deter­mi­na­ti­on to fight. This is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the part­ners to help us, and also them­sel­ves. And this is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggres­si­on and to call to order the one who threa­tens all. […]


Komisch, dass man das bis heu­te lei­der in deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en nicht auf­ar­bei­ten konnte.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat ja wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist und bleibt das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Und jetzt noch mal Gra­tu­la­ti­on an den Stan­dard für das Far­men von Hass gegen den Rus­sen, damit die Bevöl­ke­rung die sich auf euch ver­lässt emo­tio­nal ankert, dass das ja “nicht sinn­los ist”.

Not­hing but sen­se Selen­skyj, I always tell myself.

edit: Turns out the Ukrai­ne drop­ped the “one item per sum­mit” pre­con­di­ti­on it favo­r­ed in the past. (Becau­se then at the tenth or ele­venth sum­mit, peace - final­ly, without rus­sia of course).
src: click

The bad news is this:

Res­to­ra­ti­on of Ukraine’s ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity

This initia­ti­ve is aimed at impro­ving the exis­ting mecha­nisms to pro­tect the princip­le of respect for the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty and sov­er­eig­n­ty of Ukrai­ne, which is ensh­ri­ned in the UN Charter. 

The press ser­vice claims that in order to achie­ve the­se goals, it is important to:

- Incre­a­se the effec­ti­ve­ness of the UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil by reforming and limi­t­ing the veto.

- Streng­t­hen the role of the Inter­na­tio­nal Court of Jus­ti­ce by gran­ting it com­pul­so­ry juris­dic­tion over all cases invol­ving vio­la­ti­ons of the UN Char­ter and gua­ran­te­eing the immedia­te enfor­ce­ment of its decisions.

- Crea­te a sys­tem for ear­ly detec­tion of actions that threa­ten the sov­er­eig­n­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of states.

src: click

So appar­ent­ly, the sei­ze fire in Gaza would have to be alrea­dy in place for Ukrai­ne to move for­ward in their talks with rus­sia. Fun.

Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nachrichten:

Accord­ing to the Pre­si­dent, most of the world is gra­du­al­ly unit­ing around a com­mon visi­on of jus­ti­ce reflec­ted in the “For­mu­la for Peace”. 

Last year, when I first pre­sen­ted the for­mu­la, the world was still dis­cus­sing a dif­fe­rent visi­on, a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent approach to the res­to­ra­ti­on of our sta­te bor­ders and a fair peace. And most of the world is gra­du­al­ly unit­ing around a com­mon visi­on of jus­ti­ce, which is reflec­ted in the “For­mu­la for Peace”. 

On the sum­mit in Mal­ta. Same source.

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