Falls sie sich fragen, was man als ehemaliger österreichischer Rennfahrer später mal werden kann

28. Februar 2025

Nun, stellt sich raus - Ent­wick­lungs­hel­fer. Und Designer.

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In Ruan­da.

Oder wies unse­re Boo­mer noch aus der Schu­le ken­nen - ye olde Ger­man East Africa:

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Ah, won­der­ful…

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Gut, hätt ich mir auch denkt. Deren Popu­la­ti­on bleibt sta­bil, aber deren GDP explo­diert. Eine For­mel 1 Renn­stre­cke wer­den die als Ers­tes brau­chen. Mit öster­rei­chi­scher Vermittlung.

The Rwan­da track desi­gner is Alex­an­der Wurz (pic­tu­red), a for­mer F1 dri­ver and the chair­man of the Grand Prix Dri­vers’ Association.

Wurz’s com­pa­ny has been working on the track with local advi­sers, com­pa­nies and aut­ho­ri­ties for more than a year. The cir­cuit, which is fast and flowing, is being built along­side a lake and makes use of the hil­ly topo­gra­phy of the area.

Wurz is also designing the new Qid­di­ya track in Sau­di Ara­bia, which is expec­ted to finis­hed in 2028 and host a grand prix in 2029.

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Ah - the Alex­an­der Wurz com­pa­ny --- which is:

Test & Trai­ning International
We are a uni­que, glo­bal track design, racing and road safe­ty expert com­pa­ny with motor­sport and dri­ver trai­ning in our DNA.

Gut, die wer­den das nicht finanzieren…


The FIA, F1’s gover­ning body, is hos­ting its gene­ral assem­bly and pri­ze giving in the Rwan­dan capi­tal Kiga­li, and Kaga­me cho­se its ope­ning to put his offi­cial seal on the grand prix project.

Kaga­me said: “I am hap­py to for­mal­ly announ­ce that Rwan­da is bidding to bring the thrill of racing back to Afri­ca, by hos­ting a For­mu­la 1 grand prix.

A big thank you to [F1 pre­si­dent] Ste­fa­no Dome­ni­ca­li and the ent­i­re team at F1 for the good pro­gress in our dis­cus­sions so far.

I assu­re you we are approa­ching this oppor­tu­ni­ty with the serious­ness and com­mit­ment it deserves.”

If a deal can be agreed, the race would be held on a new track plan­ned clo­se to the new Bug­ese­ra air­port out­side Kigali.

F1 had pre­vious­ly tried to revi­ve a grand prix in South Afri­ca at the Kya­l­a­mi track, which last hos­ted a grand prix in 1993, but talks col­lap­sed over pro­blems with the local promoter.

The Rwan­da pro­ject is now con­si­de­red the most likely for an Afri­can grand prix but the pro­ject remains unconfirmed.

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Wie­der die übli­chen Ent­wick­lungs­hil­fe Finan­ziers also.

The dead are only dead when the living for­get them,” Jac­que­main Shaba­ni, a Con­go­le­se poli­ti­cal figu­re clo­se to Pre­si­dent Félix Tshi­se­kedi, recent­ly said. “The vic­tims of a mas­sa­c­re, of a geno­ci­de, are once again slaugh­te­red whenever this evi­dence is denied.”

Shaba­ni was reac­ting to the words of Rwan­dan Pre­si­dent Paul Kaga­me who, during an inter­view with Fran­ce 24, had denied that for­eign troops—including Rwandans—had ever com­mit­ted mas­sa­c­res of civi­li­an popu­la­ti­ons on Con­go­le­se ter­ri­to­ry in the years fol­lowing the 1994 Rwan­dan genocide.

src: click (FP.com)

Das muss die­se Wer­te­ge­sell­schaft sein, von der immer alle reden.

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