Bonus: How to engage with the global south.
Macron apparently also held a panel on this, havent seen it so far, will update this posting once I’ve screened it.
edit: Here, starting at 30min in:
(not very extensive on the topic)
Bonus 2: Who comes to mind, when you think about freedom fighters in this context?
Surely the President and the CEO of Radio free Europe and Radio Liberty!
src: click
I mean, you could produce a medley of freedom related messaging produced by Radio free Europe/Radio Liberty alone.
Well, lets keep it to only one clip in here for now…
edit: Well, lets use two, ok? Here is a more representative one:
Freedom! (See: Bernays)
edit: Schallenberg on the same topic:
edit2: Money quote:
Question from the audience: We are in a charm offensive with the global south, but at the same time we are threatening to sanction the global south over sanction circumvention in the russia case, how do we square that circle?
Easy. Increase the “information” effort. Or “strengthening the alliance of the sanctioning countries”, as Molterer puts it.
Thanks Mr. Molterer. The moderator already is moving on to the next question, as theres is a lingering “no alternative” added off camera, by Mister Molterer.
edit3: Molterer on disinformation: First lets do more on cyber security, because this is a fundamental issue, that affects also the economy. [AHA.] The second thing is, why do we have rules for newspapers, why dont we apply the same rules when it comes to electronic screens? [AHA], and my third answer is, why arent we all turning into influencers? [GREAT!] Moderator replies: “Well president Zelenskyy and his team are, and that has actually really helped the way the narrative has played out”.
Kleiner Hinweis an meinen Psychologen - vielleicht das mal reflektieren. Nur so ein Gedanke.
Closing statement Mr. Molterer: “Stay united, thats the key thing for me, and keep, keep momentum. And for keeping momentum it is necessary that we go also into really this public debate with our people, because we need the support of our people in the longterm perspective.”
With influencers I recon? Payed in the same way as Twitter account managers for the BBC were payed and flown into Alpbach to help an effort to generate “more influencer like account activity” using private peoples accounts in Alpbach 2018 right before the EU elections?
You know, with:
Several types of “My europe” content, sorry #myeurope content of course:
Like -
- help to visualize your story
- emotionalize
- max. 30 sec. to 1 min [more viral!]
- landscape format
Like -
- emotionalize
- personalize
- show where you are [Alpbach 2018, Volksschule, Turnhalle, 300 attendees!]
- show what you’re doing [trying to use the attendants social media accounts to promote your political message]
- show supporters/other people involved [look, we are so many!]
- in action pics [don’t be BORING!]
Like -
Blog Articles:
- 250-500 words [Ups, I’m over that already, never can become a great public influencer then, thats really too bad]
- include images and video [you know, because - text = BORING!]
So very, very strange, that it didnt help when my psychotherapist told me to just forget keeping up with the current media angle on the topic and look away, because - none of this could be real right? I must have misinterpreted it, right?
Übrigens nochmal danke an den Medienpartner der Österreichisch Amerikanischen Gesellschaft, die Wiener Zeitung, für den Verweis dass Globsec gerade stattfindet. Ich hätts sonst glatt übersehen. src: click
Was wohl die Hure von ehemaliger Psychotherapeutin dazu sagt, die mich aus der Betreuung getreten hat, als ich damit nicht zurecht gekommen bin als die letzte Österreichische Qualitätszeitung auf “die Ukraine muss gewinnen, weil Verlieren keine Option ist” umgeschwenkt ist?
Mehr Impulskontrolle?