Fighting the information war within our societies

04. Juni 2023

Bonus: How to enga­ge with the glo­bal south.

Macron appar­ent­ly also held a panel on this, havent seen it so far, will update this pos­ting once I’ve scree­n­ed it.

edit: Here, star­ting at 30min in:

(not very exten­si­ve on the topic)

Bonus 2: Who comes to mind, when you think about free­dom figh­ters in this context?

Surely the Pre­si­dent and the CEO of Radio free Euro­pe and Radio Liberty!

Bildschirmfoto 2023 06 04 um 21 27 41
src: click

I mean, you could pro­du­ce a med­ley of free­dom rela­ted messaging pro­du­ced by Radio free Europe/Radio Liber­ty alone.

Well, lets keep it to only one clip in here for now…

edit: Well, lets use two, ok? Here is a more repre­sen­ta­ti­ve one:

Free­dom! (See: Ber­nays)

edit: Schal­len­berg on the same topic:

edit2: Money quote:

Ques­ti­on from the audi­ence: We are in a charm offen­si­ve with the glo­bal south, but at the same time we are threa­tening to sanc­tion the glo­bal south over sanc­tion cir­cum­ven­ti­on in the rus­sia case, how do we squa­re that circle?

Easy. Incre­a­se the “infor­ma­ti­on” effort. Or “streng­t­he­ning the alli­an­ce of the sanc­tio­n­ing coun­tries”, as Mol­te­rer puts it. 

Thanks Mr. Mol­te­rer. The mode­ra­tor alrea­dy is moving on to the next ques­ti­on, as the­res is a lin­ge­ring “no alter­na­ti­ve” added off came­ra, by Mis­ter Molterer.

edit3: Mol­te­rer on dis­in­for­ma­ti­on: First lets do more on cyber secu­ri­ty, becau­se this is a fun­da­men­tal issue, that affects also the eco­no­my. [AHA.] The second thing is, why do we have rules for news­pa­pers, why dont we app­ly the same rules when it comes to elec­tro­nic screens? [AHA], and my third ans­wer is, why arent we all tur­ning into influ­en­cers? [GREAT!] Mode­ra­tor replies: “Well pre­si­dent Zelen­skyy and his team are, and that has actual­ly real­ly hel­ped the way the nar­ra­ti­ve has play­ed out”.

Klei­ner Hin­weis an mei­nen Psy­cho­lo­gen - viel­leicht das mal reflek­tie­ren. Nur so ein Gedanke.

Clo­sing state­ment Mr. Mol­te­rer: “Stay united, thats the key thing for me, and keep, keep momen­tum. And for kee­ping momen­tum it is necessa­ry that we go also into real­ly this public deba­te with our peop­le, becau­se we need the sup­port of our peop­le in the long­term perspective.”

With influ­en­cers I recon? Payed in the same way as Twit­ter account mana­gers for the BBC were payed and flown into Alp­bach to help an effort to gene­ra­te “more influ­en­cer like account acti­vi­ty” using pri­va­te peo­p­les accounts in Alp­bach 2018 right befo­re the EU elections?

IMG 20180825 161952  2

You know, with:
Several types of “My euro­pe” con­tent, sor­ry #myeur­o­pe con­tent of course:


Like -

- help to visua­li­ze your story
- emotionalize
- max. 30 sec. to 1 min [more viral!]
- land­s­cape format

Like -

- emotionalize
- personalize
- show whe­re you are [Alp­bach 2018, Volks­schu­le, Turn­hal­le, 300 attendees!]
- show what you’­re doing [try­ing to use the atten­dants social media accounts to pro­mo­te your poli­ti­cal message]
- show supporters/other peop­le invol­ved [look, we are so many!]
- in action pics [don’t be BORING!]

Like -

Blog Arti­cles:
- 250-500 words [Ups, I’m over that alrea­dy, never can beco­me a gre­at public influ­en­cer then, thats real­ly too bad]
- inclu­de images and video [you know, becau­se - text = BORING!]

So very, very stran­ge, that it didnt help when my psy­cho­the­ra­pist told me to just for­get kee­ping up with the cur­rent media ang­le on the topic and look away, becau­se - none of this could be real right? I must have mis­in­ter­pre­ted it, right?



Übri­gens noch­mal dan­ke an den Medi­en­part­ner der Öster­rei­chisch Ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Gesell­schaft, die Wie­ner Zei­tung, für den Ver­weis dass Glob­sec gera­de statt­fin­det. Ich hätts sonst glatt über­se­hen. src: click

Was wohl die Hure von ehe­ma­li­ger Psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tin dazu sagt, die mich aus der Betreu­ung getre­ten hat, als ich damit nicht zurecht gekom­men bin als die letz­te Öster­rei­chi­sche Qua­li­täts­zei­tung auf “die Ukrai­ne muss gewin­nen, weil Ver­lie­ren kei­ne Opti­on ist” umge­schwenkt ist?

Mehr Impuls­kon­trol­le?

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