Finally! A definition of the word toxic!

17. März 2024

Deba­ters all around the world rejoice, we final­ly have a working defi­ni­ti­on of the word toxic! And its all thanks to Politico!
Peace is toxic
src: click

In addi­ti­on to the very inte­res­ting head­line, Poli­ti­co went into the seman­ti­cs of what toxic actual­ly means - in the first para­graph no less!

When Pope Fran­cis floated the idea on March 9 that nego­tia­ti­ons might be necessa­ry, given that Ukrai­ne had fai­led to oust Rus­si­an for­ces from its ter­ri­to­ry, he rai­sed an issue almost nobo­dy in Europe’s power cen­ters wan­ted to dis­cuss. It also came at an acu­te­ly sen­si­ti­ve moment in the con­flict for Kyiv. 

So toxic means, some­thing “almost nobo­dy in Europe’s power cen­ters wants to dis­cuss”. But thats still a bit vague, could they be more concise?

Well of course…

With for­mer U.S. Pre­si­dent Donald Trump sur­ging toward ano­t­her White House bid later this year, and Euro­pean governments run­ning out of ammu­ni­ti­on, the Pope arti­cu­la­ted a ques­ti­on that is only likely to be repeated in the mon­ths ahead: Has the moment come to think serious­ly about nego­tia­ting with Vla­di­mir Putin? 

Asking that ques­ti­on — even in pri­va­te — trig­gers a hor­ri­fied respon­se from many of the Wes­tern offi­cials who spo­ke to POLITICO in recent weeks for this article.

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Toxic also means “some­thing, that when asked about even in pri­va­te, trig­gers a hor­ri­fied respon­se from many officials”.

So natu­ral­ly we cant talk about toxic things, becau­se they are toxic, as the pro­per argu­ment goes in our circles.

Some Cen­tral Euro­pean coun­tries are very emo­tio­nal about the idea of a peace con­fe­rence,” exp­lai­ned one EU offi­cial. “They remain afraid that they will be next once we con­ce­de to Putin.”

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But toxic also means “some­thing we cant talk about, becau­se some peop­le react to the topic (like “a peace con­fe­rence”) very emo­tio­nal­ly” - as Poli­ti­co stated.

So all things con­si­de­red, we have final­ly a pro­per defi­ni­ti­on of the word toxic for public use.


Today is a good day. Not a toxic day at all.

Its year three of the war and media final­ly talks about peace initia­ti­ves! In the right con­text of course.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Aller­letz­te. So berich­ten wir doch medi­al über die Mehr­heits­mei­nung der Bevöl­ke­rung in Deutsch­land, nicht? Ich mei­ne als Poli­ti­co, von Springer…

Mehr­heit der Deut­schen stimmt umstrit­te­ner Ukraine-Forderung des Paps­tes zu

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