Full capture is near!

31. Januar 2025

Gre­at news!

When Orban did his sur­pri­se trip to 

- Ukrai­ne
(- Belarus)
- Russia
- China

the EU flai­led him for that.

Now look at what Lex Fri­d­man is doing/planning to do in the near future:

- Ukrai­ne (tal­king to Selenskyj)
- Rus­sia (tal­king to Putin)
- India (tbd)
- Chi­na (tbd)

Which is gre­at, becau­se he will relay all his con­ver­sa­tio­nal fin­dings with world lea­ders, and their poli­ti­cal aides to Joe Rogan wit­hin the mon­th - ensu­ring that the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on will not stray from their elec­tion pro­mi­ses to end this war.

Ah - the good old full cap­tu­re of your oppon­ents narratives… 😉

So - is the Trump Admi­nis­tra­ti­on still con­vin­cing Trump, that neo­go­tia­ti­ons with Putin sad­ly fai­led, becau­se Putin wan­ted too much, and so he has to con­ti­nue this war, or.…

Cant wait for tho­se interviews. 🙂

Yes you say - but what impact can Joe Rogan have on Trumps decisi­on making? Boy have I got news for you… 😉

Main­stream media can­ce­ling Lex Fri­d­man in three, two, one, …

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