And highlighted it - he says on twitter! Manual downranking of newssources now also on DuckDuckGo, and the usual facebook model of “we took the top 10 ranking US newspapers - called them quality, and then started to funnel most of the web traffic through them” instead of content moderation - which of course caused more local newspapers to die, started the news bubble issue, where people are dragged down rabbit holes using specific search terms, because they see no representation of their local lives on the news…
But hey, in times of war, probably rectified. And who uses DuckDuckGo anyhow…
src: click
Der Standard überschlägt sich wieder in qualifiern -
Zensur sei das laut Weinberg jedoch nicht, schreiben die Berichterstatter.
Someone said, they saw something wasnt there… Ah, journalism…
Stattdessen würde man relevantere und höherwertigere Inhalte besser platzieren.
Achso! Na dann.. Moment, gings in der Nachricht nicht gerade darum Inhalte schlechter zu positionieren…?
Trotzdem, wahrscheinlich gerechtfertigt.