Gabriel Weinberg has found quality information!

14. März 2022

And high­ligh­ted it - he says on twit­ter! Manu­al down­ran­king of news­sour­ces now also on Duck­Duck­Go, and the usu­al face­book model of “we took the top 10 ran­king US news­pa­pers - cal­led them qua­li­ty, and then star­ted to fun­nel most of the web traf­fic through them” ins­tead of con­tent mode­ra­ti­on - which of cour­se cau­sed more local news­pa­pers to die, star­ted the news bub­ble issue, whe­re peop­le are drag­ged down rab­bit holes using spe­ci­fic search terms, becau­se they see no repre­sen­ta­ti­on of their local lives on the news…


But hey, in times of war, pro­bab­ly rec­ti­fied. And who uses Duck­Duck­Go anyhow…

src: click

Der Stan­dard über­schlägt sich wie­der in qualifiern -

Zen­sur sei das laut Wein­berg jedoch nicht, schrei­ben die Berichterstatter.

Someo­ne said, they saw some­thing wasnt the­re… Ah, journalism…

Statt­des­sen wür­de man rele­van­te­re und höher­wer­ti­ge­re Inhal­te bes­ser platzieren.

Ach­so! Na dann.. Moment, gings in der Nach­richt nicht gera­de dar­um Inhal­te schlech­ter zu positionieren…?


Trotz­dem, wahr­schein­lich gerechtfertigt.

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