
27. Februar 2022

Vor ner Stun­de auf CNN:

Cap­tu­red Rus­si­an sol­di­ers allo­wed to call their par­ents, Ukrai­ni­an gene­ral says

src: click

We cap­tu­red around 200 Rus­si­an sol­di­ers, some of them 19 years old, not trai­ned at all, bad­ly equipped.

Spe­ku­la­ti­on: Damit wird der Fokus auf Ver­sor­gungs­ein­hei­ten noch wahr­schein­li­cher als er es eh schon ist. Die Aus­le­gung ging erst­ma­lig über die­sen Twit­ter­ac­count (@TreshedThought) um die Welt.


In one of the vide­os, publis­hed ear­ly on Sunday morning on the Tele­gram chan­nel Find Your Own, set up by Ukraine’s inte­rior minis­try, a visi­b­ly inju­red sol­dier iden­ti­fies hims­elf as Leo­nid Pak­tis­hev, the com­man­der of a sni­per unit based in the Ros­tov region.

The Tele­gram chan­nel, which first went live on Satur­day, has pos­ted nume­rous vide­os and pho­tos showing cap­tu­red Rus­si­an tro­ops, which have led to an out­cry from their fami­lies who say they were sho­cked to find out about the invol­ve­ment of their loved ones in the inva­si­on of Ukraine.

src: click

edit: UK Ver­tei­di­gungs­mi­nis­te­ri­um bestä­tigt Ver­sor­gungs­pro­ble­me der Rus­si­schen Armee.

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