Good news everyone! New narrative!

20. Februar 2024

The Ukrai­ne war is Oba­mas fault.

Also Mer­kels fault.

But essen­ti­al­ly, from the US per­spec­ti­ve, espe­cial­ly Oba­mas fault.

Becau­se we, the US, never gave the Ukrai­ni­ans tho­se MLRS sys­tems, they were asking for to get the Don­bas back, which they then used to save Kiew and bomb away 1000 rus­si­an sol­di­ers (two bat­tali­ons) in two days in Bucha.

After we pre­pa­red them for the rus­si­an attack for about 8 mon­ths or so… Becau­se our intel­li­gence was that strong.

Isnt that great?!

Histo­ry is always about the gaps in the argument.

Here is my two cents on that, and the inter­view­er alrea­dy gets it as well - jud­ging from his reac­tions, yeah - may­be dont go with that one…

That sto­ry for the ages I mean…

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut abgrund­tief gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: In the end they dou­ble down on that tal­king point:

- Wenn Putin nicht in wei­te­ren Staa­ten ein­mar­schiert, kön­nen wir uns trotz­dem den Repu­ta­ti­ons­scha­den einer Nie­der­la­ge als Wer­te­wes­ten nicht leisten.

Both agree, then they call it a day.

Oh - to be an ame­ri­can, just for one day…

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