Great! Nato can now intervene in all wars!

19. August 2024

Kie­se­wet­ter has found the logic loophole!

As soon as Nato gives wea­pons to [other coun­try], wea­pons beco­me wea­pons of [other coun­try], so this is suf­fi­ci­ent to con­form with inter­na­tio­nal law (for Germany)!

So lets use an examp­le here.

Say, the US is pro­vi­ding all the mass bom­bing infra­st­ruc­tu­re, ammu­ni­ti­on and launch capa­bi­li­ty for Isra­el to des­troy 80% for the gaza strip, this through the act of “gif­ting tho­se wea­pons to isra­el” beco­mes “ent­i­re­ly suf­fi­ci­ent to have tho­se wea­pon ship­ments con­form with inter­na­tio­nal law”.

Ah final­ly someo­ne that can exp­lain to the ger­man peop­le rea­li­ty in an easy an clear man­ner (again).

Of cour­se this was the second per­son that ger­man media in its ent­i­re­ty cho­se to inter­view on the ques­ti­on, if the ukrai­ni­an attack on rus­sia should be con­si­de­red con­forming with inter­na­tio­nal law.

Hey - you cant see anything wrong with that, becau­se if you do you will lose your job as a jour­na­list and be ost­ra­ci­zed by ger­man spea­king society.

Deplat­forming dis­sen­ting voices is such a gre­at cul­tu­ral tool of the Wertewesten…

Becau­se peop­le mani­pu­la­te epis­te­mes like the gos­pel in church, and then sim­ply through repea­ting them over and over again in your media out­lets at prime­time, they beco­me the de fac­to truth to the majo­ri­ty of people.

You just need a Kie­se­wet­ter, and then shout down every human being more intel­li­gent than he is, whe­re­ver you see them.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut abgrund­tief und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Wel­che Werte?

Hump­ta, Hump­ta tröt, Bier und Blas­mu­sik? Mia san mir, und de ondan mög ma net?

Kie­se­wet­ter mei­ne Damen und Herrn. Kom­ple­xer als das darf es wirk­lich nicht mehr werden.

Putin coun­ter on this inter­view (becau­se of what Putin, will think, thinks, will do, feels, will think we think, and didnt expect) hit right about 15 on this inter­view I think -- I’m not bra­ve enough to watch it again to count.

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