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26. April 2024

The New Arab

Nort­hern Gaza hea­ding towards fami­ne as Isra­el bombs Rafah

Gaza is still in the grips of fami­ne, as Isra­el inten­si­fies its ass­ault on Rafah with a ground ass­ault looming.

src: click

Na gut, Ara­ber, noch dazu jun­ge, denen kann man ja nicht trauen.

Voice of America

UN agen­cy offi­cial says nort­hern Gaza still ‘hea­ding toward famine’

A seni­or World Food Pro­gram offi­cial war­ned Thurs­day that nort­hern Gaza is still at risk of fami­ne, des­pi­te some impro­ve­ment in the volume…

src: click

Gut Voice of Ame­ri­ca, das ist Pro­pa­gan­da pur, denen kann man ja nicht trauen.

Hm… Ich machs ein­fach wie die deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en. Ich bring ein­fach nichts.

edit: Reu­ters: Isra­el inten­si­fies strikes on Rafah ahead of threa­tened invasion

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