Halbzeit Fazit

23. September 2024

This House Would Fight for Demo­cra­cy, Liber­ty & the Rule of Law Abroad (Oxford­Uni­on)

I coun­ted:

3x Hit­ler
2x Genocide
1x shame
1x neve­r­en­ding war for our child­ren, if we let Rus­sia win

on the side of the “would fight for demo­cra­cy” fraction.

The unsett­ling part being, that the majo­ri­ty of peop­le in euro­pe think like me, when it comes to figh­t­ing for their coun­try - never mind democracy.

But as we all know, the emo­tio­nal argu­ment wins -- damit kann der Krieg dann ja end­lich weitergehen.

Bonus: The US inter­ven­ti­on in Kuwait, accord­ing to the pro­pon­ents for the moti­on was also to safe­guard inter­na­tio­nal rule of law.

Its inte­res­ting to see how far back some con­cepts go.

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