Have you seen what Putin has done to Europe?

15. März 2024

Macron: If rus­sia would win, the life of the french peop­le would change!

Mode­ra­tor: How?

- We will have no more secu­ri­ty in euro­pe any­mo­re [What. Less than befo­re we revi­ta­li­zed our military?]
- Who can belie­ve that Putin who has respec­ted none of the­se limits, who can belie­ve he will stop [Nato Arti­cle five is a pipedream? Or still the secu­ri­ty alli­an­ce we paid for for five plus decades?]
- Whats going on in Ukrai­ne today is part of fran­ces vital inte­rests. The secu­ri­ty of Euro­pe today, and the secu­ri­ty of the french peop­le is at sta­ke the­re, tho­se are our vital inte­rests. [Le Pen agrees. For once, for the votes.]

[But the french mode­ra­tors dont… Too bad, really:]

Mode­ra­tor: Exis­ten­ti­al threat?

Macron: Yes, we’­ve alrea­dy suf­fe­red the consequences:
- We’­ve had days of mal­func­tions in our hos­pi­tals [What.]
- Have you seen the pri­ce of gas! [As a result of Nord­stream 2 and LNG imports? Or as a result of rus­sia fiddling with the amounts that went through Nord­stream? Or as a result of the Ukrai­ni­ans threa­tening to cut off rus­si­an sup­ply­lines? Or as a result of us having built too litt­le sto­rage infra­st­ruc­tu­re, and licen­sed away to much of the trans­port infra­st­ruc­tu­re, and us being for­ced to go into brand new con­tracts with new sup­pliers at moon pri­ces? And buy rebran­ded rus­si­an LNG on top of that, from a third par­ty mar­king up the price?]
- The situa­ti­on of our eco­no­my [Sanc­tions, and LNG Import pri­cing? As well as the future ener­gy pri­ce outlook?]
- The cost of wheat [Ukrai­ni­an wheat imports you mean? So pri­ce too low for our far­mers? How dare russia!]
- Eco­no­mic imba­lan­ces are con­se­quen­ces of this war rus­sia star­ted! [No, they are con­se­quen­ces of our sanc­tions regime. Gas is not even sanc­tion­ed, oil we vol­un­ta­ri­ly sanc­tion­ed - and other cri­ti­cal stuff rus­sia doesnt sup­ply (asi­de from ura­ni­um), or is the french eco­no­my now in tat­ters becau­se of a lack of pig iron?]

And If rus­sia wins this war the credi­bi­li­ty of Euro­pe will be redu­ced to not­hing! [How so?]

Strikes me that your credi­bi­li­ty has just been redu­ced to ENA whimp in a suit sprea­ding nine pro­pa­gan­da lies in a row, on sta­te tele­vi­si­on, but what do I know…

Die­ser Rus­se schon wie­der, sie glau­ben gar­nicht was der wie­der getan hat!

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt..

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