Hey, the ukrainian soldier drafting issue just solved itself!

28. September 2024

Immi­gra­ti­on to Nor­way must be con­trol­led and sus­tainab­le, and not dis­pro­por­tio­na­te­ly grea­ter than in our peer coun­tries, such as the Nor­dic coun­tries. For this rea­son, the [nor­we­gi­an] Government has today appro­ved amend­ments to the regu­la­ti­ons which mean that peop­le from are­as that UDI con­si­ders safe are no lon­ger cove­r­ed by the collec­ti­ve pro­tec­tion sche­me. Some 10% of the Ukrai­ni­ans who have arri­ved in Nor­way so far in 2024 are from the are­as that UDI now con­si­ders safe.

src: click

Nor­way has recei­ved more Ukrai­ni­ans than other Nor­dic coun­tries. Nor­way has recei­ved 85 000 Ukrai­ni­ans during the last two and a half years.

src: click

Well, thats only a litt­le over 4000 new sol­di­ers for Ukrai­ne, so we’­ve got to work on that list a litt­le -- but, final­ly we in the Wer­te­wes­ten have the solution!

Other governments soon to follow?

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