Hi, I’m the Fulbright Fellow from the institute across the street

25. Juni 2023

- and I wan­ted to ask if the OSCE could may­be beco­me a non con­sen­sus based dis­pu­te sett­le­ment organization!

Oh, dear Lady with the Ful­bright fel­low­ship from the insti­tu­te across the street -

The Ful­bright Pro­gram, inclu­ding the Fulbright–Hays Pro­gram, is one of several United Sta­tes Cul­tu­ral Exchan­ge Pro­grams with the goal of impro­ving inter­cul­tu­ral rela­ti­ons, cul­tu­ral diplo­ma­cy, and inter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­tence bet­ween the peop­le of the United Sta­tes and other coun­tries through the exchan­ge of per­sons, know­ledge, and skills. 

src: click

- of cour­se we can think about making what the OSCE does non con­sen­sus based, and only based on majo­ri­ty decisi­ons may­be, but we have to lea­ve in a few orga­ni­sa­tio­nal sys­tems that also indu­ce trust.

Huh, would the US bene­fit from a media­ti­on orga­niz­a­ti­on to work along­side the new “value based tra­ding sys­tem”, they want to replace the WTO based sys­tem with? A non con­sen­sus based OSCE maybe?

Its always won­der­ful to see, that as soon as a Ful­bright fel­low makes a sug­ges­ti­on on rest­ruc­tu­ring your inter­na­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­on, the­re sud­den­ly is this con­struc­ti­ve “can do” spi­rit fil­ling the room.

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