Hmmm.… Both are true?

20. Mai 2024

Bildschirmfoto 2024 05 20 um 18 51 00
src: click

The joys of sear­ching goog­le news for the plain search term “ukrai­ne” once in a while.

When Pro­pa­gan­dists didnt qui­te catch up with the cur­rent fla­vor of Pro­pa­gan­da yet.

And the gre­at thing is, if you pick the right point in time, they cant even say anything against the accu­sa­ti­on of obvious­ly acting as pro­pa­gan­dists. 🙂 Why, you are not a Pro­pa­gan­dist? And we should stand uni­fied behind a pre­si­dent that publicly lies? Or yes, you are a pro­pa­gan­dist, and we should lis­ten to you?

Or my favo­ri­te out: No - it is important, that the Ukrai­ne por­traits one nar­ra­ti­ve publicly, and ger­ma­ny gets con­fron­ted with the ent­i­re­ly oppo­si­te nar­ra­ti­ve publi­cal­ly - for the war effort.

Too bad, the­res still a ger­man media sys­tem fil­te­ring what the public gets to see, so none of that will get picked up of course. 🙂


Car­lo Masa­la, its simp­le, hear me out! “The truth will set you free!”


Just to think that that was the expert the CDU/CSU in ger­ma­ny payed for round trips to its local affi­lia­ti­ons (par­ty sub­groups)… Won­der­ful. Cant ima­gi­ne anything bet­ter. 🙂 Oh sor­ry “expert” in quo­tes of course.

Also, if you need to keep score on “which wes­tern nar­ra­ti­ve still has trac­tion in the glo­bal south”, boy do I have the video for you:
(Chat­ham House)

see also:
(Chat­ham House)

60 views so far, needs to get a few more.

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