Hoover Institution über Südostasien

27. Februar 2023

You know pre­si­dent Zelen­skyy has very effec­tively lever­aged appeals to demo­cra­cy and a sort of pan-european demo­cra­tic iden­ti­ty which works real­ly well in Euro­pe whe­re the majo­ri­ty of coun­tries are con­so­li­da­ted demo­cra­ci­es and that direct regio­nal mili­ta­ry sup­port for Ukrai­ne has been cri­ti­cal to Ukraine’s sur­vi­val in this con­flict so far in addi­ti­on to the United Sta­tes role and Asia is much more hete­ro­ge­ne­ous in terms of regime type and the level of regio­nal com­mit­ment to demo­cra­cy and so I think we have to be very care­ful in assuming that that sort of appeal to demo­cra­cy as the the thing that’s at sta­ke would be as effec­ti­ve in a Tai­wan sce­n­a­rio so I think Tai­wan is har­der and and that’s important for us to pay atten­ti­on to and and to plan for and talk about.

Was - das ist Propaganda?!


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