How to react correctly as the frech representative at the WEF

23. Januar 2025

In a panel about “Ukrai­ne: The Road ahead” - you take Trumps “We can do it the easy way, or the hard way - its bet­ter for rus­sia to do it the easy way now” -

and extra­po­la­te on it with quote:

at 16:15min in:

The US have to put pres­su­re on rus­sia, and incre­a­se the cost on rus­sia to con­ti­nue waging this war of aggres­si­on. The Euro­pean part­ners need to con­ti­nue to pro­vi­de them sup­port to enter the­se nego­tia­ti­ons with the stron­gest pos­si­ble hand, and to get rea­dy to pro­vi­de the secu­ri­ty guaranties.”

Wait -- whe­re is the “If Putin doesnt want to nego­tia­te” clau­se in this?

You know the part whe­re the US reco­gni­zes, that rus­sia can have this the easy way, and just negotiate?

Why did we skip direct­ly to the part, whe­re the US alrea­dy has to app­ly pressure?

Anyo­ne in the room?


Anyo­ne inte­res­ted, in what hap­pens on the US side in the fol­lowing 100 days?






Jour­na­list, what did you say - its just important that Trump con­ti­nues the Mili­ta­ry pressure?

Yes - you Ukrai­ni­an repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, mis­re­pre­sen­ting, that Trump has just announ­ced that - whats your stance on this?

What more wea­pons, more pres­su­re, more money? Yes, you want to intru­du­ce us to your new con­cept, that its important, that ever­yo­ne under­stands, which is quo­te “Peace through strength.” Whe­re you get none of the peace, and all the strength gifted.

Now lets hear from the audience.

Yes, you Ukrai­ni­an pro­pa­gan­dist sta­ting that the EU has to gift all of rus­si­as natio­nal assets to Ukrai­ne to wage this war -- you get first question.

[Its the first self paying war. Its amazing!]

Gut, das müs­sen wir natür­lich als Medi­en wie­der nicht berichten.…

Medi­en sind dazu da die­se Gesell­schaft zu belügen.

Schluss, aus, Ende.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: When I star­ted watching the panel video it had gai­ned 10 likes with 850 views. (Average for you­tube would be 4% - or 34.)

Now the panel video has 9 likes. With 851 views.

Matso­la said agi­le twice. That has to be worth at least three likes with the WEF crowd.

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