Huh. Versuchen sie das mal in deutschsprachigen Medien zu finden.

06. November 2023

The UN says 88 of its staff have been kil­led the hig­hest num­ber of un deaths ever in a sin­gle conflict.

Isra­el con­ti­nues to strike schools and health faci­li­ties in Gaza inclu­ding the are­as around Al-Quds and Al-Shifa hos­pi­tals. Fresh strikes also took aim at the den­se­ly popu­la­ted Jaba­lia refu­gee camp Satur­day, fol­lowing last week’s massacre

Mean­while reports emer­ged Fri­day that Isra­el was not allowing citi­zens of Bra­zil and and Ire­land to lea­ve the war torn encla­ve as reta­lia­ti­on for their government’s cri­ti­cism of Isra­el and calls for a ceasefire.

Schon irgend­wie schei­ße wenn der Job des heu­ti­gen Jour­na­lis­mus ist, das aus der Öffent­lich­keit raus­zu­hal­ten, oder?

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: Dienstag/Mittwoch ist G7 Treffen.

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