I believe I can fly

20. November 2024

(Spo­ken as a ukrai­ni­an dro­ne operator:)

I belie­ve I can fly, I belie­ve I can touch the sky.
I sit by a moni­tor every night and day,
press that but­ton so they fly away!
I belie­ve I can soar, making anti per­son­nel mines legal through that open door, I belie­ve I can fly. I belie­ve I can fly. I belie­ve I can fly.

I also belie­ve in the per­son deto­na­ting US anti per­son­nel mines remo­te­ly, while loo­king at a dro­ne feed, just so they can be legal, under ukrai­ni­an law, exis­ting. Just like the Fran­ce 24 cor­re­spon­dent believes.

I belie­ve.

About equal­ly as much as I belie­ve in the inter­na­tio­nal rules based order.

edit: CNN dazu, obwohl die nicht ganz kor­rekt for­mu­lie­ren. Ano­t­her kind of… wäre kor­rekt. Sie­he Human Rights Watch.

Gut, so ne klei­ne Lüge unter CNN Mode­ra­to­ren, … Sowas ist ja auch in Öster­reich durch­aus Usus.

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