I think we need a little strategic ambiguity on that one

30. Mai 2022

- at the moment.

At 7:10 min.

edit: Ah. Lie at 10 minu­tes in. No you cant “join the alli­an­ci­es you want to join” (NATO). You get invi­ted to talks, if you decla­re inte­rest. May­be. And then all mem­bers have to come to a unani­mous decisi­on on your can­di­da­te status.

NATO’s “open door poli­cy” is based on Arti­cle 10 of its foun­ding trea­ty. Any decisi­on to invi­te a coun­try to join the Alli­an­ce is taken by the North Atlan­tic Coun­cil on the basis of con­sen­sus among all Allies. No third coun­try has a say in such deliberations.

src: click

Why thats cal­led “open door poli­cy” is bey­ond me, when even the open door part (to the foy­er mind you) is con­di­tio­nal, but oh well, words. As part of public policies.

But its good to see the pro­cess of kee­ping the public nar­ra­ti­ve at least some­what congruent.

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