In the long running series, idiot talks to tech person

29. August 2024

DW mode­ra­tor talks to EFF repre­sen­ta­ti­ve asking her why app on pho­ne is attrac­ti­ve to peop­le who want to com­mu­ni­ca­te, espe­cial­ly criminals.

Gets “encryp­ti­on is legal, for­cing a com­pa­ny to break it would be ille­gal” respon­se. Says thank you - I couldnt have rese­ar­ched that mys­elf - really, …

All the while not clu­eing in on that the French government might have a case here, if Tele­gram (30 employees) hasnt respon­ded to take­down noti­ces from wit­hin the EU.

But we still cant say -- becau­se five days after the arrest, the actu­al char­ges haven’t been released. By Fran­ce. Oh well - I hope they have fun while we all assu­me the french legal sys­tem is staf­fed by a bunch of idiots.

And this con­clu­des this part of the long run­ning seri­es - idi­ot talks to tech person.

edit: Moment, einen hab ich noch:

rbb Mit­re­den! Zum The­ma Rake­ten­sta­tio­nie­rung in Deutschland.


Tages­schau, wer sonst.

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