In the long standing series GLOBSEC debunking western war narratives

31. August 2024

today: Pio­tr A. Bła­zeusz, Com­man­ding Gene­ral, EUROCORP:

Putin will never ven­ture into gene­ral mobi­liz­a­ti­on. I see him never doing that.”

So, gre­at news for Poland, and the Bal­tic sta­tes - not­hing will hap­pen to them, but they can still use the war as a pre­text for ano­t­her four, five years to keep Ger­ma­nys eco­no­my in the gutter!

The sad part is, that Glob­sec is inter­viewing idi­ots again, that when con­fron­ted with “appar­ent­ly Rus­sia atta­cked Sumi 2000 times in three mon­ths” (which is not true in the least even though Selen­sky repeated it for two weeks strai­ght - and we know that jour­na­lism doesnt work any­mo­re the­se days, to check this stuff) ven­ture into sto­ry breaks of how when they were air­for­ce pilots (AND STILL UTTER IDIOTS, GOD THEY ARE SUCH IDIOTS) defen­se also meant fly­ing offen­si­ve operations.

Much wow, much lear­ned, lets all note down: Attack air­craft, not a defen­si­ve wea­pon in the theat­re of war.

Wow, much wow.

edit: Moment, ich hab heu­te einen Arti­kel in der NZZ gele­sen, der das Ver­hal­ten der Idio­ten am Panel per­fekt zusam­men­fasst - drei Minu­ten Lese­zeit, dann spart man sich das Video.

Frü­he Psy­cho­the­ra­peu­ten: Sie waren Suchen­de, die ihrem Ego zum Opfer fielen

Das Buch «See­len­zau­ber» ist ein unter­halt­sa­mer Über­blick über die Kin­der­ta­ge der Psy­cho­the­ra­pie. Es beschreibt das Rin­gen um die ver­meint­lich rich­ti­ge Deu­tung des Lebens – bis es den Psy­cho­lo­gen schliess­lich doch noch um die Pati­en­ten geht.

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