In the majority of the cases, that we did document, there were no warnings before the airstrikes, so the families did not receive at all any warnings

25. Oktober 2023

… even in cases, were the­re was advan­ced warning, that advan­ced warnings were not effec­ti­ve, becau­se it was only infor­med one of the fami­ly mem­bers, not to the ent­i­re fami­ly mem­bers or the resi­dents of a buil­ding, and it fai­led to meet the stan­dards that are requi­red to make a warning effec­ti­ve. With no clear time­frame. With regards to the initi­al warning by the israe­li army issued on the 13th of octo­ber, issued to all of the resi­dents in the nort­hern part of Gaza, to evacua­te south of Gaza, this amounts to a for­ced dis­pla­ce­ment, sim­ply becau­se this is unfea­si­ble for this com­mu­ni­ty to lea­ve. They can not lea­ve. The­re are thousands of peop­le with disa­bi­li­ties, woun­ded peop­le, this num­ber of peop­le sim­ply do not have the means and can not lea­ve. And then, that was later fol­lo­wed by leaf­lets drop­ped by the israe­li army, warning peop­le to lea­ve and then say­ing that anyo­ne that choo­ses to stay in the nort­hern part of Gaza will be con­si­de­red an accom­pli­ce with armed ter­ror orga­niz­a­ti­ons, as per the words of the army, which again amounts to collec­ti­ve punish­ment, fails to meet the princip­le of distinction, …

Isra­el is so fucked.

That was the Amnes­ty Inter­na­tio­nal case rese­ar­cher and writer.

Bet­ter find a few Jour­na­lists who will still repeat your propaganda.

Holy shit.

In other nice news, they - to this day - dont even have a plan. Accord­ing to Fran­ce 24, US offi­cials almost col­lap­sed when they found out, that Isra­el was win­ging it, and relo­ca­ted several (US) army plan­ning teams on the spot.

Holy shit.

edit: PBS als Quel­le nach­ge­reicht: click

edit2: Yes, you say, but how bad is it.


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