Just a short rundown

17. Dezember 2024

Of what came up in the last day.

The roma­ni­an Tik­tok influ­ence cam­pai­gn con­tai­ned spots of the pre­si­den­ti­al can­di­da­te spea­king into the came­ra with patrio­tic music in the back­ground, most­ly about natio­na­listic topics, and a par­ti­cu­lar­ly note­wor­thy spot of him riding a white hor­se in a roma­ni­an t-shirt. Accord­ing to politico.

Ukrai­ne Cri­sis Media Cen­ter, spon­so­red by USAID, came out with two press relea­ses on

How to wea­ken the effect of pro-Moscow myths about Crimea”


How to clean the Donetsk regi­on histo­ry of pro-Russian myths”

becau­se app­lied “cut­ting edge histo­ry” is just so fun.

And of cour­se Ukrai­ne kil­led mucho North Kore­an sol­di­ers in the ter­ri­to­ries it holds in russia:

Nord­ko­rea­ner in Kursk erlei­den schwe­re Verluste

Die in die rus­si­schen Ver­bän­de in der Regi­on Kursk ein­ge­glie­der­ten nord­ko­rea­ni­schen Sol­da­ten erlit­ten nach ukrai­ni­schen Berich­ten erst­mals schwe­re Ver­lus­te. “Min­des­tens 30 Sol­da­ten wur­den getö­tet und ver­wun­det”, teil­te der Mili­tär­ge­heim­dienst am Mon­tag mit.

src: click

And lost about 16 squa­re kilo­me­ters of its foot­hold in Kursk in the pro­cess of it.

src: click

Just a nor­mal slow news day.

edit: See? App­lied cut­ting edge histo­ry. Just as I men­tio­ned before:

See, just good old “app­lied cut­ting edge history”.

Just ano­t­her guy hol­ding a cut­ting edge ukrai­ni­an histo­ry degree.

Sor­ry, “popu­lar cut­ting edge ukrai­ni­an histo­ry” sci­ence degree, of cour­se - the one that actual­ly likes social media:

You know, just the nor­mal type of cut­ting edge his­to­ri­an, thats also in the movie pro­duc­tion business…

Grü­ße an Timo­thy Sny­der, bitte.

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