
04. Dezember 2023

The­re is signi­fi­cant evi­dence of sys­te­ma­tic sexu­al abu­se, but mor­gue offi­cials have not desi­gna­ted indi­vi­du­al cases as rape becau­se of a lack of court-compliant phy­si­cal pro­of. In addi­ti­on to sur­vi­vors’ tes­ti­mo­ny, a slew of Israe­li offi­cials, first respon­ders, and mor­gue workers have sta­ted that Hamas raped women as part of its ass­ault. The Shin Bet has released clips from video­ta­ped inter­ro­ga­ti­ons of cap­tu­red Hamas per­pe­tra­tors attes­ting to their orders to rape Jewish women.

The decisi­on — made under war foo­ting and a pres­sing need to iden­ti­fy the dead — to not use time-consuming crime sce­ne inves­ti­ga­ti­on pro­to­cols to docu­ment rape cases has fue­led inter­na­tio­nal skep­ti­cism over Hamas’s sexu­al abu­se of vic­tims on Octo­ber 7.

src: click

Der letz­te Absatz trifft auf mich zu. Ich war nach­dem ich die Äuße­run­gen der israe­li­schen Geist­li­chen die in den Lei­chen­hal­len zuge­las­sen waren und dann mit den Medi­en gespro­chen haben (= Pri­mär­quel­len) gehört habe, eben­falls sehr skep­tisch. Und hab das mit dem “signi­fi­cant evi­dence of sys­te­ma­tic rape we can’t tell you about” nicht gekauft.

Ges­tern hat UN-Women die Taten offi­zi­ell ver­ur­teilt.

edit: Kon­text (Unvet­ted. Be careful.):

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