More Andriy Zagorodnyuk (that guy)
Also more Kofman, but yeah thats… normal. Expected. 😉
edit: Also - I forgot how much of diplomacy at the “top level” is nothing but an intellectual marvel… *rolleyes*
And the propaganda game already continues, because only nine hours after Andrij Jermak stated, that russia would be invited to the next peace summit, the ukrainian ambassador to Estonia is already backtracking on that statement. I in the video above at around 16:30 min in - he states, that russia could maybe be invited to the next ukrainian peace (formuala) summit, but only if russia would “agree on the framework of this negotiation process”, which still contains - “russia leaves Ukraine entirely”, “russia pays reparations, “people resonsible for warcrimes get punished by international law tribunals” - because the framework still is the 10 point peace formula.
This is so fucking stupid and hideous.
Before we can sit together to talk about peace, you have to accept defeat.
Of course, if you screen the Carnegie Endowment video up top -- the message of the actual people responsible for signaling ukrainian action to public institutions in the western world, are delivering you prolonged war scenarios.
Also - according to Masym Kononenko above, the Ukrainian peace summit also has a new tagline, which is “If you want peace, you have to prepare for war.” It is true! (Always liked that phrasing of ukrainian officials. I did.)
So - as always:
Propaganda hat natürlich wieder niemand entdeckt.