More Hanna Shelest

12. Juni 2024

More Andriy Zago­rod­nyuk (that guy)

Also more Kof­man, but yeah thats… nor­mal. Expected. 😉

edit: Also - I for­got how much of diplo­ma­cy at the “top level” is not­hing but an intel­lec­tu­al mar­vel… *rol­leyes*

And the pro­pa­gan­da game alrea­dy con­ti­nues, becau­se only nine hours after Andrij Jer­mak sta­ted, that rus­sia would be invi­ted to the next peace sum­mit, the ukrai­ni­an ambassa­dor to Esto­nia is alrea­dy back­tracking on that state­ment. I in the video abo­ve at around 16:30 min in - he sta­tes, that rus­sia could may­be be invi­ted to the next ukrai­ni­an peace (for­mua­la) sum­mit, but only if rus­sia would “agree on the frame­work of this nego­tia­ti­on pro­cess”, which still con­tains - “rus­sia lea­ves Ukrai­ne ent­i­re­ly”, “rus­sia pays repa­ra­ti­ons, “peop­le reson­si­ble for warcri­mes get punis­hed by inter­na­tio­nal law tri­bu­nals” - becau­se the frame­work still is the 10 point peace formula.

This is so fuck­ing stu­pid and hideous.

Befo­re we can sit tog­e­ther to talk about peace, you have to accept defeat.

Of cour­se, if you screen the Car­ne­gie Endow­ment video up top -- the mes­sa­ge of the actu­al peop­le respon­si­ble for signa­ling ukrai­ni­an action to public insti­tu­ti­ons in the wes­tern world, are deli­vering you pro­lon­ged war scenarios.

Also - accord­ing to Masym Kono­nen­ko abo­ve, the Ukrai­ni­an peace sum­mit also has a new tag­li­ne, which is “If you want peace, you have to pre­pa­re for war.” It is true! (Always lik­ed that phra­sing of ukrai­ni­an offi­cials. I did.)

So - as always:

Pro­pa­gan­da hat natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

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