Nato is peace!

18. Juni 2024

Point 1 - Accord­ing to Stol­ten­berg “The­re is real­ly no dif­fe­rence bet­ween the rus­si­an war in Ukrai­ne and the upco­m­ing attack of Chi­na on Tai­wan” - even though one didnt hap­pen yet.

Point 2 - Mode­ra­tor: How is the Arc­tic dif­fe­rent in terms of Nato is safe­guar­ding peace? “Its real­ly not dif­fe­rent. The Arc­tic is also a buch of land and water and ice, but less ice now, and more sea, so the Arc­tic also very important in Natos mis­si­on to safe­guard peace”!

Point 3 - Com­pa­re and con­trast with a goog­le search for “nato attacks without un mandate”.

Com­pa­re and con­trast with a goog­le search for “nato excee­ded un mandate”.

Or if you can sto­mach it - with this:

Point 4 - “Chi­na wants to join the Arc­tic cir­cle alli­an­ce, someo­ne told me - they also want to be part of this, but they arent even an Arc­tic country!”

Mean­while - North Atlan­tic Trea­ty Orga­ni­sa­ti­on opens “head­qua­ters” in Japan, …

NATO to set up liai­son office in Tokyo, beef up regio­nal ties (Reu­ters)

Oh, sor­ry - the most important point:

Point 5: Ukrai­ne has to join Nato - other­wi­se we can not be sure Rus­sia wont attack Ukrai­ne again!

For that to hap­pen, Ukrai­ne has to be clo­se­ly brought up to Nato stan­dards, so that “WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT” in a Moment of weak­ness for rus­sia, when Tur­key can be con­vin­ced as well, the actu­al joi­ning pro­cess can hap­pen without the nor­mal path of action, in a quick­track fashion, wit­hin a few weeks. “This is the only way to just and per­ma­nent peace.”


Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

Point 6:

Nato has been so suc­cess­ful, becau­se its mis­si­on state­ment was so clear, to pro­tect peace.” (Jens Stoltenberg)

but also

I’m opti­mistic, Nato is so suc­cess­ful, becau­se we have pro­ven so agi­le and adap­ta­ble over time.” (Jens Stol­ten­berg, same Press conference)

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen…

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