Noch eine Logikfolge

09. März 2022

Weil Real­po­li­tik kei­ne Rol­le mehr spie­len darf.

Und wir auf die Diens­te hören.

Zie­hen wir

The EU out­lined a plan on Tues­day to cut Rus­si­an gas imports by two-thirds wit­hin a year as it seeks to redu­ce its depen­den­cy on the country’s fuel sup­plies after Moscow’s inva­si­on of Ukraine.


The commission’s pro­po­sed saving is dou­ble that sug­gested by the Inter­na­tio­nal Ener­gy Agen­cy last week in its 10-point plan, and comes as gas pri­ces hit record levels on rising glo­bal demand and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of Rus­sia cut­ting off sup­plies. The pro­po­sal also reli­es on cur­bing ener­gy usa­ge, by lowe­ring ther­mo­stats and impro­ving house­hold insulation.

src: click

in enger Koor­di­na­ti­on mit den ver­ei­nig­ten Staaten

Demo­crats plan to move on Rus­sia bill in US House tomor­row after vote count was uncer­tain Tuesday
From CNN’s Manu Raju

The US House will now move on a bill to clamp down on Rus­sia tomor­row after House Spea­ker Nan­cy Pelo­si said ear­lier that the bill would come to the floor tonight.

The rea­son for the chan­ge: They had ori­gi­nal­ly tried to appro­ve it under “sus­pen­si­on of the rules,” which requi­res two-third sup­port to pass. But a Demo­cra­tic lea­ders­hip aide says that Repu­bli­cans would not com­mit to giving them enough votes to get the bill through under suspension.

So they now plan to move the bill under a rule tomor­row so it can pass with a simp­le majority.

Fol­lowing US Pre­si­dent Joe Biden’s announ­ce­ment today that his admi­nis­tra­ti­on is ban­ning Rus­si­an ener­gy imports, Pelo­si said in a let­ter to col­leagues that the House would vote on a bill that fol­lows simi­lar steps. The bill would ban imports of Rus­si­an ener­gy, take steps to scru­ti­ni­ze Russia’s role in the World Tra­de Orga­niz­a­ti­on, and reaut­ho­ri­ze the Magnit­s­ky Act to streng­t­hen sanc­tions on Russia.

What is the Magnit­s­ky Act? The act, signed into law in Decem­ber 2012, blocks ent­ry into the US and free­zes the assets of cer­tain Rus­si­an government offi­cials and busi­ness­men accu­sed of human rights violations.

src: click
sie­he auch: click
edit Brei­te Zustim­mung bei der fina­len Abstim­mung.

die Schrau­ben noch ein­mal an.

sie­he auch: Hin­ter­grund

Viel­leicht dre­hen 28 MIG-29 ja die Situation?

The han­do­ver of Poland’s 28 Soviet-made MiG-29s signals the Wes­tern resol­ve to do more to deter Rus­sia. But mili­ta­ri­ly it is unli­kely to be a game-changer becau­se the num­ber of air­craft isn’t that big and they are infe­ri­or to more sophisti­ca­ted Rus­si­an air­craft and could be easy prey for the Rus­si­an Air Force. 

src: click

edit: US leh­nen Kampf­jet Swap auf­grund mög­li­cher Rechts­fol­gen nun ab.

USA wei­sen Polens Kampfjet-Angebot zurück

Exper­ten sehen unge­klär­te juris­ti­sche Fra­gen und logis­ti­sche Pro­ble­me. Polen hat­te ange­bo­ten, MiG29-Jets den USA zu über­las­sen, um sie via Zwi­schen­stopp der Ukrai­ne zu liefern

src: click

(Ich bin mir auch sicher, dass der Stan­dard in dem Arti­kel Anfüh­rungs­zei­chen in einer Unter­über­schrift falsch gesetzt hat.

Selen­skyj bat “ver­zwei­felt” um Flugzeuge

Ver­zwei­felt wird hier ja wohl kein direk­tes Zitat sein.)

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