Oh, and wouldt you know it -

27. Juli 2024

The Illu­si­on of Peace” is a pro­pa­gan­da phra­se, actively used by Ukrai­ne - and used by the NZZ in its edi­to­ri­als. I won­der how that happened…

Refer­ring to the Kule­ba inter­view in here:

Oh wait, no - I dont, I’ve seen stuff like this for more than two fuck­ing years now.

Jour­na­lism my ass.

Pro­pa­gan­distic sellouts.

You know - whenever the ger­man spea­king press and Kule­ba coor­di­na­te­ly use a phra­se that in the 30 years befo­re no one has writ­ten or utte­red or used, or refer­red to or…


The “illu­si­on of peace” phra­sing is pro­pa­gan­da. Outright.

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