Ok, you say - but at least there is the international peace summit every six months

11. Juli 2024

Nato sum­mit panel from the 10th of Juli 2024, at about 1 hour 13min in:

Fox Mode­ra­tor: “Is the goal still to take back all of Ukrai­ne, to the 1991 bor­ders. Is that still the goal today, or could you see a nego­tia­ted sett­le­ment that ends this war for you and your people?”

Selen­skyj: “The best way the best way of cour­se uh after the first Peace Sum­mit to orga­ni­ze and pre­pa­re the plan and to orga­ni­ze during some mon­ths the second Sum­mit and have this docu­ment and to put in by majo­ri­ty of the world to put him and to push him to stop the war this -- is the best way and when we speak about ter­ri­to­ries you have to to know that first of all, of cour­se we need to save peop­le, Nati­ons and and that’s fine and and of cour­se we are not -- need mem­bers we don’t have such you know umbrel­la and that’s why we need Putin to lose, we don’t want him to be on our ter­ri­to­ry, becau­se any­way it’s a fro­zen con­flict and it will depends on years when he will pre­pa­re and come back, come back again with Inva­si­on. He will do it to you.”

Mode­ra­tor: “So yeah of cour­se, the the Munich agree­ment did­n’t work, uh 1938 -- a poten­ti­al agree­ment you’­re say­ing with Putin may not work”

Selen­skyj: “The docu­ment with Hit­ler did­n’t work why it has to work second time? I don’t know. I think he loves the pro­cess but the pro­blem he loves the pro­cess it does­n’t mat­ter what occu­py he love the pro­cess and pro­cess and this is his his his histo­ry and he will do it to one coun­try or ano­t­her to uh occup­a­ti­on with mili­ta­ry occup­a­ti­on or poli­ti­cal occup­a­ti­on of Bela­rus like he did it alrea­dy to divi­de Geor­gia and for today to begin and he real­ly began to chan­ge their Direc­tion from EU direc­tion again back to Rus­sia. Now he’s doing we love Geor­gia peop­le very much and I hope that it will not be this way it will not finish this way but he he loves this pro­cess. So it does­n’t mat­ter when when the the ques­ti­on is who can stop him.”

So here you have it.

Selen­skyj lets Switz­er­land and short­ly “some coun­try in the glo­bal south” orga­ni­ze his peace sum­mits to:

The best way the best way of cour­se uh after the first Peace Sum­mit to orga­ni­ze and pre­pa­re the plan and to orga­ni­ze during some mon­ths the second Sum­mit and have this docu­ment and to put in by majo­ri­ty of the world to put him and to push him to stop the war this -- is the best way.”

But so sad Selen­skyj only got 78 signa­tures (out of 193 UN mem­ber sta­tes) under the end comu­ni­quee in Bür­gen­stock, after chan­ging it to repre­sent the Selen­skyj peace for­mu­la more bet­ter, on the NINETH of June 2024 (final day of Bür­gen­stock was the 16th of June 2024, first draft by Switz­er­land was sent out on May 28), striking out every and all advan­ces toward a real peace con­fe­rence that Switz­er­land had made (as well as making sure that food secu­ri­ty now also inclu­ded metals), see: 

Food secu­ri­ty now also inclu­des metals

Which Selen­skyj in the video abo­ve actual­ly recognizes:

of cour­se we need to save peop­le, nati­ons and - and that’s fine and and of cour­se we are not -- need mem­bers we don’t have such you know umbrel­la and that’s why we need Putin to lose, we don’t want him to be on our territory”

Becau­se, accord­ing to Selen­skyj, Putin will do it to you:

becau­se any­way it’s a fro­zen con­flict and it will depends on years when he will pre­pa­re and come back, come back again with Inva­si­on. He will do it to you.”

Gre­at achie­ve­ments to be reached at the next Selen­skyj glo­bal peace summit!

Es wird kein ein­zi­ges deutsch­spra­chi­ges Medi­um dar­über berichten.

Sie wer­den die Bevöl­ke­rung alle wei­ter verarschen.

Als Teil der gro­tes­kes­ten aller mög­li­chen Gesell­schaf­ten, die das abso­lut abgrund­tief Abar­tigs­te ist was man sich nur aus­den­ken kann.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nachrichten -

Head­lineer Arti­kel gera­de eben bei der NZZ:

Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 11 um 16 52 45
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