Just shut up.
If you are that guy:
But oh he cant - he is driven by an insane sense of self worth and couldnt survive being the kicking bag of the Harvard Philosophy department…
And, as quickly as that you learned something new about humanity.
Oh the humanity.
Same goes for his european counterparts btw:
Transformationsforscherin Göpel: “Populisten haben die Zukunft für sich besetzt”
src: click
You dont say=!?!?!?! First you ram “you have to consume less” and “no future on a dead planet” down everyones throat, and promote sectoral growth over GPD growth in a theoretical and practical sense, as said Maja Göpel - then you whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine all the way home, that the right wing has captured all the “future narratives”.
(Zwei Kommentare, keines freigegeben.)
I mean if I werent so sure that Maja Göpel is in large parts an intellectually challenged being in life - think about how I would attack that person publicly!
See how much you can learn in two minutes?
edit: Actually Der Standard, just found Sandel a way out of this dilemma,
Warum junge Menschen zum Studieren aufs Land ziehen
Just go to Oberstipfnbrunn and study environmental science, that way you can still be the most intelligent being in the village. They wont even understand the stunts you pull. Even when they notice them.