PR stunt gone wrong

10. Januar 2025

The Wei­del Musk Inter­view was a bust. 🙂

Wei­dels com­mand of spo­ken eng­lish is about as good as mine, mea­ning - she is not that flu­id in her word recollec­tion. So semi often she has to slow down the speed of con­ver­sa­ti­on, when she is sear­ching for words - and then when that fails, she falls back on very simp­le sen­tence con­struc­tions, while Musk waits for her so she can finish her thoughts - so the­re at no time is a plea­sant con­ver­sa­tio­nal flow that gets estab­lis­hed during a one hour and four­te­en minu­tes Elon AfD pro­mo cast - so at around two minu­tes in, when Wei­del gets into pro­fu­se­ly thanking Musk for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to speak open­ly, you alrea­dy start to won­der - wait, whos the natu­ral audi­ence for this? And the ans­wer is, not the young genera­ti­on in ger­ma­ny, and cer­tain­ly not peop­le voting for the AfD. And that it is a bit late in the elec­tion cycle for this to be a public fund­rai­ser for one.

To make mat­ters worse, its an audio pod­cast, so the con­ver­sa­tio­nal imper­fec­tions stick out even more, becau­se you dont get any visu­als to dis­tract you from Weidl struggling through her ad hoc sen­tence construction. 🙂

So not fun to lis­ten to, meets not that fun to lis­ten to -- and Musk hard­ly inter­jec­ting, becau­se jeez, we dont want to make this last for two hours… 😉

edit: Oh eff me try­ing to be self-deprecating, my spo­ken eng­lish is bet­ter.. 😉 (“Ange­la Mer­kel unplug­ged the ger­man nuclear power plants…”

edit2: Just as I wro­te that…

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 10 um 09 48 17

BSW down to 4, CDU/CSU down to 30, AfD at 21…

Dang it, just the media tal­king about that inter­view for an ent­i­re week might have main­strea­med them to a cer­tain extent…

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