Prank called Meloni

02. November 2023

Rus­sia sent out “sta­te come­di­ans” Vovan and Lexus again to prank call euro­pean poli­ti­ci­ans. This time around they got to Gior­gia Meloni -

Here is a full tran­script of the audio track from rutube:

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Hi Prime minis­ter nice to meet you, so thank you for your time

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Ah, how are you?

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I’m good, I’m good now, I heard many bad news, so whats the situation?

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Ah yeah, the situa­ti­on is a bit dif­fi­cult, any­ways - the situa­ti­on is very dif­fi­cult for us to mana­ge in this time, we have from the begin­ning of the year, so in seven mon­ths, nine mon­ths, more than 120.000 peop­le who came most­ly from Tune­sia, so situa­ti­on which is very dif­fi­cult from every side. The huma­ni­ta­ri­an side, the logistic side, the secu­ri­ty side, so I’m having… and what I see is that this flow seems to be incre­a­sed from the situa­ti­on thats going on in afri­ca whe­re over in the Sahel, but also with the pro­blem of the grain, and all the pro­blems that you know qui­te bet­ter than me. [Audi­ble cut in the audio track.] We are working also with the euro­pean uni­on for a memo­ran­dum with Tune­sia to help, not only mana­ging migra­ti­on, I mean my idea is always that you have to do both the things, from one side..

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: And I agree abso­lute­ly, I just met with Charles Michel, and we had a con­ver­sa­ti­on about the situa­ti­on, and he said that the, that the pro­blem is, that ita­ly can’t stop them, and he thinks it is a pro­blem from most­ly from Ita­li­an side, as he told me. 

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Yes, abso­lute­ly. Euro­pe has thought for a lot of time, that it could sol­ve the pro­blem clo­sing it in ita­ly, what they dont under­stand is that it is impos­si­ble, the size of this phe­no­me­non is some­thing that invol­ves - in my opi­ni­on not even only the EU but the UN, but the pro­blem is, the others they dont care, they didnt always, also respond to the tele­pho­ne, when they pass by, and they do all agree that only ita­ly has to sol­ve this pro­blem alo­ne - its a stu­pid way of thinking.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I also tal­ked to Macron, he also refu­sed to under­stand my posi­ti­on, I also think that he does not even [incom­pre­hen­si­ble].

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Can I ask you some­thing bet­ween me and you, which — do you think that what is hap­pe­ning in Niger for examp­le its a thing against france?

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I see it, espe­cial­ly now, becau­se of how they demanded[?].

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Ah, we, we I see that fran­ce is a bit pushing for a kind of intervention.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Yeah.

Gior­gia Melo­ni: But I’m try­ing to under­stand how we can sup­port a diplo­ma­tic effort for it, … We have to be careful.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Yeah of cour­se, .. Becau­se fran­ce, they dont under­stand what are the other con­se­quen­ces, it will lead to ano­t­her migra­ti­on cri­sis from the mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on. Becau­se now we see the crisis…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: But you know they have got other prio­ri­ties which are not migra­ti­on in Nati­ons like Niger you know, so their point of view is not nec­cesa­ri­ly mine, I mean yeah they’ve got the Ura­ni­um, they got the FCA ( you they got some prio­ri­ties which are natio­nal prio­ri­ties for fran­ce, thats why we are try­ing also to tell them, we have to be, how do you say, we dont have to do things that can crea­te more pro­blems than tho­se we alrea­dy have.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: But ano­t­her pro­blem is, how to work in line with a new black sea initia­ti­ve what do you think about blo­cking some rus­si­an things in this line..

Gior­gia Melo­ni: I think we have to dis­cuss it, I think we have to find a solu­ti­on for it. The situa­ti­on is impos­si­ble to face for us, so the­re must be solu­ti­ons found for it, I’ve been also dis­cus­sing it in the G20 mee­ting, yes in the mee­ting about afri­ca, we’ve been dis­cus­sing it, if we allow rus­sia to block [not com­pre­hen­si­ble] that could be always worst, but if we dont find other solu­ti­ons behind the pro­blem - that, it is impos­si­ble so - somehow, somehow we are to go out from that, somehow we are to… Poland would be the, the right way, but I see that they are having pro­blems, so..

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I think that the pro­blem is that we expec­ted the war could be finis­hed becau­se of fine Ukrai­ni­an coun­ter offen­si­ve, but now I see that it is not so, suc­cess­ful as we expec­ted now, so It means that the war is not finis­hed, and it is - what our, some now my friends on the, in the con­ti­nent they are wai­t­ing for any peace nego­tia­ti­ons, or any nego­tia­ti­ons bet­ween ukrai­ne and rus­sia to stop that conflict.

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Yeah, that and also migra­ti­on, and also the pro­blems we are having infla­ti­on, and pri­ces of ener­gy and it is very dif­fi­cult to…

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Yeah and the win­ter is com­ing too, and we dont know were if it will be that…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Yes, one of my stra­te­gy plans as you know, on which I’m try­ing to dis­cuss with other euro­pean coun­tries about this plan on invest­ments for ener­gy in afri­ca, I think that could be - well it is not immedia­te abso­lute­ly, when you begin doing invest­ments, first day of Novem­ber we will pre­sent here in rome, in this con­fe­rence our mar­shal plan for afri­ca, which is this kind of invol­ve­ment invest­ments, moreo­ver in ener­gy for afri­ca, and afri­can coun­tries to pro­du­ce ener­gy they need and also to export if they can [pos­si­ble cut noti­ca­ble in the audio track], here we will also lead the pre­si­den­cy of the G7 and I would like to focus our pre­ci­den­cy of G7 more over on the topic of afri­ca. We are going to an era whe­re we cant plan it no more, it is alrea­dy too late, so we have to move - that is what I would say.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Yeah, may I ask what do you think about pleads of some offi­cials of the UK to send some migrants in ruan­da. Yeah, what do you think?

Gior­gia Melo­ni: I havent dis­cus­sed, I dont know which are the ele­ments of this deal, for the pro­blems that we have is also that the­se peop­le com­ing ille­gal­ly - impos­si­ble to being scree­n­ed. We dont know, they lost lots of time, from the time that we pro­ces­sed their requests and then many of them we’ll loo­se, some of them they finish in the hands of cri­mi­nal orga­niz­a­ti­ons, some of them they go into other coun­tries and they try to send them back, its… 

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: So is ..

Gior­gia Melo­ni: What?

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Does the euro­pean com­mis­si­on under­stand this…, that it is…?

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Euro­pean com­mis­si­on says they under­stand it, haha, the pro­blem is how much times it needs to give con­cre­te ans­wers for in the con­clu­si­ons of the euro­pean coun­cil, in the words of Ursu­la von der Ley­en, they abso­lute­ly under­stand it, but when you ask them to take money to invest, to help to dis­cuss with the­se coun­tries, well this beco­mes more dif­fi­cult, I have to tell the truth, it is also about Tune­sia orga­ni­zed this memo­ran­dum bet­ween euro­pe and Tune­sia, that pre­si­dent Sai­ed spent time with us in the midd­le of July, but he didnt see one Euro yet. 

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: How do you esti­ma­te the con­flict in Euro­pe, bet­ween Ukrai­ne and rus­sia, how long will it take to under­stand what is the posi­ti­on. Are you having con­ver­sa­ti­ons with [incom­pre­hen­si­ble] so..

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Well I see, I see that the­re is a lot of fati­gue, I have to say the truth, from all the sides, we are near the moment, in which ever­yo­ne under­stands, that we need a way out. The pro­blem is to find a way out which can be accep­ta­ble for both without des­troy­ing the inter­na­tio­nal law, I’ve got some ide­as about it on how to mana­ge the situa­ti­on, but I’m wai­t­ing on the right moment to try to put on the table the­se ide­as that I’ve got.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: But you see that the Ukrai­ne is not so suc­cess­ful as we expec­ted, as we expec­ted by this spring.

Gior­gia Melo­ni: The coun­ter­of­fen­si­ve of Ukrai­ne is may­be not going as they were expec­ting. It is going, but it didnt chan­ge, i mean, the desti­ny of the con­flict. So ever­y­bo­dy under­stands, that it real­ly could last many years, if we dont try to find some solu­ti­ons. The pro­blem is which is the solu­ti­on accep­ta­ble for both, without ope­ning con­flicts. You know what I think about Libya, no? May­be you dont know, but.. haha, we should, we could dis­cuss it for hours my friend, what had hap­pen­ed to Libya, for may­be today some­bo­dy under­stands that the situa­ti­on after was not so good, was not bet­ter to, well make our frame work..

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: [Incom­pre­hen­si­ble]… we should ask any other insti­tu­ti­on like the euro­pean com­mi­si­on give us money, but I see that all of money of the Euro­pean Uni­on is going in the Ukrai­ne now…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Eeeh, yeah, what I’m working on is to let them come to afri­ca too, its my first com­mit­ment as you know if you fol­lo­wed it, when I go around to tell ever­y­bo­dy from the ame­ri­cans until NATO and say­ing all over, to take care about afri­ca, so…

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I also dont agree with this natio­nal ideo­lo­gy of Ukrai­ne, I mean Ban­de­ra, that they’re natio­na­lists, becau­se this, that thing, that rus­sia espe­cial­ly hates…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: No I didnt under­stand that, you dont agree with..

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: With natio­na­lists insi­de ukrai­ne, I mean they are ultra natio­na­lists, like Ban­de­ras, or…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Well they are, no, no I dont agree on that, they have the right to do that, I think the pro­blem with natio­na­lism is the pro­blem that Putin has.

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: I’m tal­king about Ste­pan Ban­de­ra, he is like a per­son who rus­sia pres­ents like Hitler.

Gior­gia Melo­ni: Well, I dont know that, I think, I think, that they are doing what they have to do and what is right to do and we are try­ing to help them, we are…

Fake afri­can poli­ti­ci­an: Any­way, Madame Prime Minis­ter thank you for this con­ver­sa­ti­on I need to meet…

Gior­gia Melo­ni: No thank you, thank you I hope that we can have also other occa­si­ons - thank you very much, thank you very much, bye, bye.

src: click

The tran­script was hell to gene­ra­te, becau­se this time the rus­si­ans only released a “for rus­si­an con­sump­ti­on” ver­si­on on rutube, whe­re they have a rus­si­an voice over, laid over the ori­gi­nal audio track. No sub­tit­les. In the past, they at least released it with sub­tit­les which were much easier to par­se and sub­se­quent­ly auto trans­la­te… This is rus­sia get­ting lazy in their pro­pa­gan­da efforts for for­eign consumption. 😉

Not­hing too sen­sa­tio­nal in the­re, just Melo­ni essen­ti­al­ly admit­ting that ever­y­bo­dy is get­ting tired of the ukrai­ne war. And that she has got plans on how to end it, but is wai­t­ing for the right moment to “put them on the table”…

The US knowing that this PR pie­ce was about to hit also makes the recent Times Maga­zi­ne publi­ca­ti­on a bit less surprising.

The pho­ne­call was held on the 18th of Sep­tem­ber, the authen­ti­ci­ty has sub­se­quent­ly been con­fir­med by the office of the ita­li­an prime minis­ter. see: click (For­bes)

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