Pro Ukraine fraction still needs 33 more votes for the discharge partition

26. März 2024

to pass, accord­ing to Fran­ce 24,


The peti­ti­on needs 218 votes to indu­ce a floor vote. Though only 15 signa­tures have been gathe­red so far, inclu­ding Fitzpatrick’s, sup­por­ters are bul­lish on its pro­spects. Spea­king with CBS News, Fitz­pa­trick pre­dic­ted a “dam break” that will lead to a wave of sup­port and signatures.

src: click
203 accord­ing to CBS News (one day earlier).


Oh, they found a rare­ly used tool in the toolbox!

The effort had been laun­ched on March 12th.

House Demo­crats on Tues­day for­mal­ly laun­ched their pro­mi­sed effort to for­ce a vote on Ukrai­ne aid, a long-shot bid to com­pel the legis­la­ti­on to the floor over the objec­tion of the Repu­bli­can lea­ders who con­trol the chamber. 

Spon­so­red by Rep. Jim McGo­vern (D-Mass.), ran­king mem­ber of the House Rules Com­mit­tee, the Demo­crats’ dischar­ge peti­ti­on would requi­re 218 signa­tures to for­ce con­si­de­ra­ti­on of a Senate-passed for­eign aid packa­ge, which pro­vi­des $95 bil­li­on for Ukrai­ne, Isra­el, Tai­wan and huma­ni­ta­ri­an assi­s­tance in Gaza.


The suc­cess rate of dischar­ge peti­ti­ons, howe­ver, is extre­me­ly low — the last one to for­ce a bill to the floor occur­red in 2015 — and it’s far from cer­tain that Demo­crats will win the 218 signa­tures they’re after. 

src: click

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nach­rich­ten, die US lügen aktu­ell in State­ments im UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. On record.

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