Propaganda? Doch nicht bei Ukrinform!

15. Juni 2024

Glo­bal PEACE SUMMIT in Switz­er­land: how will Putin be FORCED to peace? | Spe­cial report

UATV, Ukrai­ni­an public broad­cas­ter, ope­ra­ted by Ukrin­form

src: click

The Natio­nal News Agen­cy of Ukrai­ne (Ukrai­ni­an: Українське національне інформаційне агентство), or Ukrin­form (Ukrai­ni­an: Укрінформ), is a sta­te infor­ma­ti­on and news agen­cy, and inter­na­tio­nal broad­cas­ter of Ukrai­ne. It was foun­ded in 1918 during the Ukrai­ni­an War of Independence[6] as the Bureau of Ukrai­ni­an Press (BUP). The first direc­tor of the agen­cy was Dmy­t­ro Dont­sov, when the agen­cy name was The Ukrai­ni­an Tele­graph Agency.[7]


Ukrin­form deli­vers news sto­ries in Ukrai­ni­an, Eng­lish, Ger­man, Spa­nish, French, Japa­ne­se, and Polish.[8]

Sie­he auch:

War­um ist die “ein (mög­li­cher) Weg zum Frie­den” For­mu­lie­rung heu­te eigent­lich so in…

edit: Oh btw. India only will be repre­sen­ted by an Ambassa­dor led diplo­ma­tic dele­ga­ti­on, even though gre­at and not all pro­pa­gan­distic news source Ukrin­form will inform you that Indi­as pre­si­dent is coming.

India has cho­sen to send Ambassa­dor Pawan Kapoor, the most seni­or care­er diplo­mat after Vinay Kwa­tra, to Switzerland.

src: click

The most seni­or care­er diplo­mat after the Vinay Kwa­tra (Cur­rent for­eign secreta­ry of india)?

I’m ama­zed!

Whats Ambassa­dor Pawan Kapoors cur­rent posi­ti­on in the indian diplo­ma­tic corps?

Pavan Kapoor (born 24 Decem­ber 1966) is an Indian diplo­mat and for­mer Indian Ambassa­dor to Rus­sia. He pre­vious­ly ser­ved as India’s High Com­mis­sio­ner to Mozam­bi­que and the King­dom of Swa­zi­land from Janu­a­ry 2014 to ear­ly 2016, Ambassa­dor to Isra­el from March 2016 to Sep­tem­ber 2019, and Ambassa­dor to the United Arab Emi­ra­tes from Octo­ber 2019 to Novem­ber 2021.[2]

Pavan Kapoor joi­ned the Indian For­eign Ser­vice in 1990. In his diplo­ma­tic care­er, he has ser­ved in dif­fe­rent Indian Mis­si­ons abroad, the Minis­try of Exter­nal Affairs, and the Prime Minister’s Office in New Delhi. He also ser­ved as an inter­na­tio­nal civil ser­vant with the Com­mon­wealth Secre­ta­ri­at in London.[2]

src: click

Wait - India is sen­ding its for­mer rus­si­an ambassa­dor to the Ukrai­ni­an Glo­bal Peace sum­mit in Bür­gen­stock? You know, the one that joi­ned the Indian For­eign Ser­vice in 1990?

Wait - wait, when was indi­as second most seni­or care­er diplo­mat appoin­ted to his for­mer job - you know, as the indian ambassa­dor to russia?

Shri Pavan Kapoor (IFS: 1990), pre­sent­ly Ambassa­dor of India to United Arab Emi­ra­tes, has been appoin­ted as the next Ambassa­dor of India to the Rus­si­an Federation.

2. He is expec­ted to take up the assign­ment shortly.

New Delhi
Novem­ber 01, 2021

src: click

So the new indian ambassa­dor in Rus­sia is in office sin­ce when?

Pavan Kapoor 2021 - 2024
Vinay Kumar 2024 

src: click

Wait, wait, what was Pavan Kapoors Mis­si­on state­ment in the years 2021 - 2024?

Pavan Kapoor hea­ded the Indian Embas­sy in Moscow on 22nd of Novem­ber, 2021. Pre­vious­ly, His Excel­len­cy was the Ambassa­dor of the Repu­blic of India to the United Arab Emi­ra­tes from Octo­ber 2019 to Novem­ber 2021. In a diplo­ma­tic care­er span­ning over three deca­des, Ambassa­dor Kapoor has ser­ved in dif­fe­rent capa­ci­ties in the Indian Mis­si­ons in Moscow, Lon­don, Gene­va, Tel Aviv apart from ser­ving in the Minis­try of Exter­nal Affairs and the Prime Minister’s Office in New Delhi.

Accord­ing to the Rus­si­an For­eign Minis­try, Pavan Kapoor recei­ved copies of his creden­ti­als from the Depu­ty Minis­ter of For­eign Affairs of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on Igor Mor­gul­ov. Wit­hin the frame­work of the mee­ting, the sides dis­cus­sed an approach to fur­ther streng­t­he­ning of Russian-Indian rela­ti­ons, topi­cal glo­bal and regio­nal pro­blems, as well as a sche­du­le of upco­m­ing contacts.

src: click

Bes­test diplo­mat to attend the Glo­bal Ukrai­ni­an peace sum­mit ever!

Well at least he knows the territory…

Why Ambassa­dor Pawan Kapoor?

India has cho­sen to send Ambassa­dor Pawan Kapoor, the most seni­or care­er diplo­mat after Vinay Kwa­tra, to Switz­er­land. Kapoor cur­r­ent­ly ser­ves as Secreta­ry (West) in the Minis­try of Exter­nal Affairs. After spen­ding near­ly two and a half years in Moscow as the Indian Ambassa­dor to Rus­sia, Kapoor retur­ned to South Block in April 2024. His ten­u­re in Moscow coin­ci­ded with the Rus­si­an inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne in Febru­a­ry 2022.

src: click

Ah -- gre­at, now we know his job title…

Lets search the page (MEA = Minis­try of Exter­nal Affairs) for his pro­fi­le, why dont we? 

Exter­nal Affairs Minis­ter - no thats not him
Minis­ter of Sta­te for Exter­nal Affairs - no thats not him
For­eign Secreta­ry - no thats not him
Secreta­ry (Eco­no­mic Rela­ti­ons) - no thats not him
Secreta­ry (East) - ah, thats his eas­tern counterpart!
Secreta­ry (West) - THATS HIM, THATS Shri Pavan Kapoor!

So lets count.

Pre­si­dent? No.
Vice Pre­si­dent? No.
Prime Minis­ter? No.
Exter­nal Affairs Minis­ter? No.
Minis­ter of Sta­te for Exter­nal affairs? No.
For­eign Secreta­ry? No.
Secreta­ry (West)? Yes!

Second most seni­or diplo­mat incoming!

Government repre­sen­ta­ti­ve? Why should we send a government repre­sen­ta­ti­ve? Here, have a care­er diplomat.

Ukrin­form will tell you its Naren­dra Modi any­how. Dont look too close!

edit: Huch, was erlaubt sich eigent­lich SRF?

Und so tref­fen sich die 90 Staa­ten und Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen am Wochen­en­de ohne Russ­land auf dem Bür­gen­stock. Feh­len wird vor­aus­sicht­lich das Schlüs­sel­land Chi­na. Und das wich­ti­ge Indi­en dürf­te eine nie­der­ran­gi­ge Dele­ga­ti­on ent­sen­den – eben­so wie Bra­si­li­en, falls die­ses über­haupt teilnimmt.

src: click

Ganz infa­mes Kampagneen-Smearing!

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