Say hello to 6 times cut off Pokrovsk in 15 days (?)

22. Januar 2025

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 22 um 17 10 14
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Rus­sia is moving towards the second to last of the six traf­fic arte­ries of the city in a place whe­re a river blocks the defenda­bi­li­ty against the attack. My money was on them try­ing the push a litt­le more to the west of that.

edit: Damit wir dann alle Nar­ra­ti­ve bei­ein­an­der haben (sie­he die letz­ten bei­den postings), hier noch der Ukrai­ne Hawk der EU:

Bildschirmfoto 2025 01 22 um 17 21 27
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edit: Kon­text:

NATO thinks Rus­sia does not have poten­ti­al for major bre­akthrough on battlefield

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Übri­gens gehts Russ­land bereits so schlecht, dass Trump ihnen jetzt öffent­lich droht…

Trump latest: ‘Ridi­cu­lous’ Ukrai­ne war will end ‘easy way or the hard way,’ Trump tells Putin
Donald Trump has issued an ulti­ma­tum to Vla­di­mir Putin over the war in Ukrai­ne, tel­ling him to strike a deal to end it or else face tariffs and sanc­tions. Fol­low the latest - and lis­ten to our new pod­cast Trump 100 as you scroll.

src: click

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